
Sharing and building Solution Focused practice in organisations

I'm going to learn to dance tango in a couple of weeks. According to Marco this is very SF. I believe Louis Caufman would agree with him. Does anyone have an experience of using it in a workshop or...?

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You might rember that Bert Garssen from the Netherlands did a presentation in Vienna called "Dancing with your boss". I'm sure he'd send you a copy.
I missed that presentation. Let's invite Bert to this group!
Hi Lina, and others,
I do have some expierence with Tango music in my trainings, I also did a workshop in Vienna to this topic. But...., it's not Tango at first. Tango was used as a part of the training/ workshop. Essence was/is: How do you connect to people, how do you lead or how do you follow (the leader?). It's always a lot of fun and dynamic and, in my opinion close related to some ST-principles.
She (or he he) who wants some more information; let me know. It can take some time, because I do not have the English Translation. But I can also sent it in Dutch.


Hi Bert, sounds like fun! If you find the time to translate to english I would love to read more about it.
Warm regards,
Lina, I saw your tango question.
As a very enthousiastic tango dancer and trainer I give tango workshops related to themes as connecting, making contact, leading, following the leader, working together etc. And allways using Piazolla as an inspiration..
Some time ago we gave a workshop to SF therapists, exploring themes as: making contact, resources you use while making contact, and leading from one step behind. And I think there would be more connections one could make with SFwork."Tangoing" is a wonderfull way to explore these themes. And a relief in for instance a conference, where is such abundant talking. And sitting.
I would love to do such a workshop on the next sol congress! Join me?
And Bert, yes I'm interested in your dancing with your boss, dutch is fine!

Hartelijke groet Yvonne van Iersel
I have never learned the Tango, but I used to go to Salsa lessons. For me, the biggest challenge (and for many women!) with this kind of social dance is learning to let go and follow. In Salsa (like most social dances) the man leads, and ladies have to be very good at responding. There's only so much you can learn with the brain, you have to relax, let your body follow your partner's body, be open to the unexpected, be comfortable with not knowing what's coming next, etc.... so many parallels with SF!

Big hugs
Hi Sue, that's exactly it! I did salsa as well a couple of times. A challenge for any one struggling to be independent. Then of course, there is no such thing…
Interesting association with SF, indeed...
Following this metaphor and seeing the SF-coach as the dancing lady following the client which is the dancing man: The dancing lady (= the coach) enables and empowers the dancing and invites the dancing man (= the client) to create the dancing steps (= finding his solutions).

I hope, my reply is "political correct"....
God knows what is politically correct! Or perhaps not? ;-)
Your suggested interpretation of the Tango metaphor is great, anyway!
I totally agree with Hans-Peter!
That is a great metaphor.

I tried tango for one year.
The man needs to lead. And that is difficult, to begin with.
But he needs to lead by sensing where the woman is and what movements she is ready to do. You need to be very sensitive, feeling the tension of the woman's body. So the dancing steps the man can create are constrained by the woman, she is "empowering" the man... and some point, I would not know who is leading whom!! :)
To learn more about powerful and empowering women in cultures which - seen from outside - are very patriarchical I appreciate this (German) book:
"Ihr wißt nichts über uns!": Meine Reisen durch einen unbekannten Islam von Charlotte Wiedemann
Hans-Peter, a couple of books on the same subject has been published in Sweden in the last few years. Interesting to be able to share other perspectives and a great way to solve any "black and white" points of view.
Paolo, I love the way you describe your experience! The true interaction is really co-created, and then it is ambiguous who leads whom. It is not one or the other, but rather something new that emerges in the "in-between".





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