
Sharing and building Solution Focused practice in organisations

I am very interested in the language and combination of words that create connection instead of separation. Insights from non-violent communication (Rosenberg), sociocracy and decision building based on consent (see attached mindmaps) etcetera are usefull. I attached two mindmaps I shared with the participants in my workshop on SOL2009. I will also attach a nice overview (on words creating war or peace) made by Marco Ronzani and his group during 'the open-space' at SOL2009.

What else could make a difference? What do we think?

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these are the missing ones as addition to Marianne's word-file
party=> partner
I-firm/company/I-brand=> I am because we are
Be successful =>be with yourself

I made a foto of the words, 'cos I wanted to think further of them and taste them on my tongue.
and I know, I want to keep "will", I like the forward moving energy in this word. :)
and I'm happy about this movement in the community, about this caring how we create our world by using language. Thank you all.
Thanks Katalin, I added to the word file... Marianne
Hi Marianne
How would it be for you, to create in a new discussion with the title "Making real connection by using specific words" containing a linking to your forum:

The benefit will be, that this very useful discussion also is documented within the Texel-Workshop-2009 Forum

Thank you!
Hi Marianne,

Great list. Makes me think. If I come up with ideas I'll let you know! Hannes





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