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Huge congratulations and hugs on this happy occasion! May everything work out in your journey towards a new future perfect together.

Cheers and loud applause,

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Congratulations to you both,
its a good symbol, SOL seems to be a living process; and may be -the solution is inside...
A good and happy time in Budapest and whereever you went to...
See u in Texel,
with Hughs

Ulli Gondorf
Wow, what a great news! I wish you all the best, enjoy your day and have a lot of wonderful years spent t(w)ogether.


I couldn't resist the temptation to add a SOULutionist's P.S., so here it is:

Did you know that the sum of figures in date of your wedding day gives 5? Instead of congratulation please find enclosed an ancient symbol, the Number Five from the Ibis Tarot that represents The Master of the Arcanas - the person able to unite three worlds (body, soul and spirit), overcomming the duality of good and evil... interesting, isn't it? ;-)
Kati and Jesper,
So nice, when I think of you, my mind goes back to Budapest where I saw you leaving so peacefully for a walk in the rain together...
However, I wish you lots of (SOL)-SUN on the 13th! It's a wonderful date to get married, (we married on sept 14th, 12 years ago).
I'll be thinking of you, have a very happy life together!
Liebe Kati, lieber Jasper
Es freut mich immer riesig, wenn ich sehe wie zwei sich auf die gemeinsame Lebensreise begeben. Viel Glück, viel Liebe und ein wundervolles Leben wünsche ich euch. Herzlich Marco
Dear Kati en Jesper, what a wonderful surprise, we wish you a beautiful wedding day and all the best as a couple!
Anton and Michèle
Warmest regards and enjoy and have fun on your wedding day.
Dear Kati & Jesper,
From our both hearts we do really wish you the best of happiness together!

Björn & Eva
Dear Kati and Jesper,
I wish you many-many happy hours and years together! "Sok boldogságot kívánok!"
Soooooooooooooooooo nice, we are overhelmed and happy, thanks, thanks!!!!
it's fantastic, people arriving in Budapest-here and messages arriving virtual-here
:) :)

... makes me feel like a little old auntie with her tissues in the bag ... big smile and tears flowing at the same time :-)

I wish you all the luck and happiness in the world!!!

I am a bit late. But I want to express my beeing
moved by the picture of the both of you. It looks like
you don`t need more happiness at the moment, so I
sent a late wish for the future. I wish for you, that you can keep your
big love while it is always changing.
Dear all Thank you so much for your nice greetings. This of course demands a proper reply. So we decided at the wedding to make a picture to put on this page with text: "On a scale from 1 to 10 where 10 is the ultimate happiness - where are you?"





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