
Sharing and building Solution Focused practice in organisations

Hi there,

Last summer I participate this wonderful SF retreat to learn more about SF. Next week I will fly to the states and tell about my SF experiences on my next retreat....this time it is a retreat för healthcare coaches who are" fostered" problembased. I am invited to share the SF ideas. We have been talking in Fontana about this and got wonderful helpful feedback from Alan, Janine, Paul, George, Jesper, Kati, Björn and Dora.....It was a fantastic reflecting team in the hot tub. But now the day is coming nearby....I know I can do this thanks to all your support but I wonder what would you do as an SF coach with 110 high educated problemsolving based coaches......

Still Curious about SF....

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What do you know about those healthcare coaches, so that you can say, that they are "fostered" problembased?

What are in your experience with those coaches you will meet until now typical examples for their "problemfocus"?

Knowing this it will be much easier for me to share my ideas...

Cheers, Hans-Peter
Hi Thank you for thinking further on this subject. These coaches are educated to do cause/ effect diagrams they call it fishbones diagram. They are fostered to ask Why 5 times to get down to the cause.....
One twist in their thinking is if you do not know the cause you can not work on it. You need to know the cause.......It is because in healthcare a lot is like that. Doctors nurses etc they want to find out what is wrong to find the right treatment and this way of thinking are they using even in situations there it might not be appropiate. Just because they are used to do so..........I can tell you that I did the same as I also am a healthcare professionell but I learned another way of thinking........
I see: This is quite similar to the thinking of IT-specialists which are in the moment most of the persons in my environment.
Well, cause - effect analyses and "5 x Why" are very popular also here and in many situations such questions are very useful and appropriate:
They are appropriate in all situations which can be treated based on models of natural science or technological model like computer systems or the human body seen as a biological system with quite good "calculable" cause - effect - dependencies.
To work in such such situation without cause - effect - analyses would be very unprofessional.
As an example: If the engine in your car does not work it is not helpful to ask:
"On a scale from 0 to 10: How good is the car working?"
"" about 2""
"What does it make that it is a 2 and not a 1?"
""Well, I can sit in the car and close the doors""
By asking such questions you will not find a way to bring the engine to work.
It is better to analyse the functions of the engine to find the cause of the problem.

On the other hand it is not useful to apply the same problem solving methods to complex situation (e.g. social systems) in which the relationship between cause and effect can only be perceived in retrospect, but not in advance and the approach is to Probe - Sense - Respond.

Here we are in the area of Solution Focused Work or - in a broader sense - of strategies for "Complex Adaptive Systems".

I experienced, that people are open to apply SF Work in such complex situations if at the same time it is accepted, that "cause - effect - thinking" is very useful (and even more efficient than "SF-thinking") in simple and complicated situations.

How helpful is this for you?
Hi Hans-Peter,

Thank you very much for your clearity, It is indeed very helpful! Your exemple is very good and I will use it with your permission. I think just to gave the openess and keeping a dialoque will help to develop our thinking. Maybe in the end of my presentation I will give these coaches the challenges to see wether or not SF can be an option in their daily can be the beginning of a worthwhile conversation. Thank you for answering me and supporting on the way. Nicoline
You are welcome, Nicoline - and I would appreciate hearing how your workshop worked!

Good luck, Hans-Peter
Hi Hans Peter,

Now I am back home from the states and have to tell you that it went suprisingly well. I was invited to talk about SF for 2 groups but as it turned out to get such a positiv respons they immedialtely signed me upp for another session. In one of the group we got the discussion when do you choose cause effect and when SF and there I used your example and everybody was happy. This was a international meeting of coaches in health care trying to make organisations function better. SF can really help here because healthcare is a very complex system. The Dartmouth institute for improving healthcare who invited me, got really interested and I think they will go on developping SF. Thank you for your support! Best wishes, Nicoline
Dear Nicoline, I'm happy to hear that! it would be great to hear more, how did you manage to be that clear and helpful they already could decide to want more! please let us know more - what worked well?
warm greetings, Kati
Dear Kati,

I send you my powerpoint and you will recognize the work of Björn. I also tried to play on their playground and had a quotation of a book they used at the university ( Paul Bates research about quality improvement in health care)
I never provoked them I just gave them a possibility of a new experience and some new tools with an open invitation....take it or leave it. I had some quotations from my own work and linked the way they work ( PDSA cycle) with SF. I think it is important to stay on their playground and play tha play they are willing to play. Well it went well and it started to become fun and we had good discussions.I met som coaches after 3 days and they already used it in their work and were very pleased.The clearity I got from you all and the example from Hans Peter was really great.But I think also the discision not to provoke at all was I think a winning recipy. I have really got a lot coaches helping me to prepare this event. Without all this suppport and prework it would not have worked like this.The song of Lise lott helped me to relax so everything was in place. That was wonderful.
Thank you all!!!
Here is the pp !
Dear Nicole,
Thank you very much for charing this experience with us. And of course congratulation with this succes. I enjoyed the power point presentation.
A lot of succes with all the development!

Tack Nickoline för att du så generöst lägger ut ditt bildspel. Jag har också vid tre tillfällen nyligen i olika grupper, kopplat till samverkan mellan offentliga organisationer, använt trekanten för att inventera och bygga utifrån resurser enligt Björn och Evas CLUES-modell. Det är fantastiskt hur väl den fungerar fastän jag känner mig lite osäker då jag lägger fram den.
Brinner för att lära mig mer om komplexa system i synnerhet då vi nu, via samorningsförbund, går in i samverkan mellan lt, kommun, Fk och Af och de troligen ska utvidga arbetet med LF som förhållningssätt. Min roll hä är inte tydlig men jag ska ibland presentera LF och även ev utbilda gruppledare i att bättre hantera grupper och ha LF, KBT och MI som coachingmetoder.
Skulle vara intressant att utbyta lite mer erfarenheter med dig framöver, inte minst utifrån landstingsperspektivet. Tror ej att jag kan delta i mars men ska försöka få till ett möte med Janine. Ha det gott och än engång tack för din presentation och modigt och bra jobbat av Dig!
Hi Nicoline,

congratulations to your success and thank you for your "blog" how your workshop went.
It is very interesting for me to read, that differentiating between "complicated (or simple)" and "complex" situations works like an eyeopener to understand, when "root cause analyses" are useful and when they are not very appropriate - and the SF-approach (or similar approaches based on the findings how to act in "complex adaptive systems") works much better.

This is in line with my experiences also!

Cheers, Hans-Peter





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