
Sharing and building Solution Focused practice in organisations

I just read a book about Appreciative Inquiry in Dutch and Belgum organizations. In my opinion the method is rich and so much SF. What surpised me a lot is that they don't mention SF and their founders at all! Is that the same in other books about AI?

I am curious about your opinion about AI

and about people who work witch this method who wants to share their experiences here!


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Hi Stijn,


The name is "Waarderend organiseren" (ISBN 987-90-78440-26-0). A few weeks ago the same main autor published: "Het waarderend werkboek". A very practical guide when you want to work with it in your organsation (ISBN 9789078440505).

I am curiouw about your experiences so let keep in touch!


Hi Jolien, maybe this is of interest for you:

A Comparison of Appreciative Inquiry and Solutions Focus

by Kendy Rossi, Tricia Lustig & Mark McKergow


cheers, Hans-Peter

oh, so much of what we can do is re-discover, what's already there: thank you Hans-Peter for this link, it's really useful - and thank you Mark for that post!

Thank you for this great comparison - I was pondering the same question since a few weeks.

Regards from Vienna,


Thanks a lot Hans-Peter (and Mark too of course). This is very helpfull!

Hi Jolien,

I ran across your question and maybe I can help you on it, since I've written (with other authors) both books. Appreciative Inquiry and the solution focused approach are used a lot together by practitioners of AI. For example, in my last book 'Het waarderend werkboek' one or two practitioners use it in their favorite technique which they describe in the book. The reason why it is not explicitly described is because AI comes from a different background, but they are more or less from the same family. 


I hope this will help.


Best regards,


Hi Jolien

I'm sorry about coming rather late to this discussion but may I mention my response to the Rossi/LustigmcKergow article which you can find at 

Here I say something aboiut why I prefer SF - while acknowledging that this is largely a matter of taste!



Hi Jolien - I am new to SF. I have a long history with AI, and have written 2 books. I was not aware of SF beyond therapy work from Steve de Shazer etc, until meeting Paul & Jeannine at an AI conference a few years back. My sense is that most AI practioners are not familiar with it. Perhaps it is due in part to there not being a strong US organized group, and Appreciative Inquiry originates in the US, though it's very much a global effort now. I'm coming to SOL 2012 to learn more and looking forward to it! - jackie

Hi Jacky,

Wonderful meeting you in Oxford then!

Let's two "worlds" come together.  Finally it's not about methods, but about what works for our clients. So let's take the best of different worlds.
I hope you will enjoy the SOL as much as I do every year!

best reagards,


I cannot wait to meet you!!! Let's meet and talk and laugh and find the best of both worlds! By the way, I'll be doing an AI case study/workshop at the conference as well.

Looking forward to a perfect future together!  - jackie

Hi Jolien,  I discovered SF through Appreciative Inquiry. I am an AI practitioner based in France. I have been trained by NTL trainers and a friend of mine talked about solution focus (David Shaked in the UK). I red some books about it and I think SF and AI are cousins or may be brothers and sisters. They do have the same DNA for me (I know much better AI than SF for know) but my feelings tell me that they can go nicely together. I am like Jacky Kelm very new to that field and wish to discover more. I have bought quite a number of books and am starting reading them.



PS : Hi Jacky the Liverpool Appreciative Living has been great !!!

Hi Bernard,

I embrace your idea about "brother- and sisterhood". Let's cooperate instead of searching for differences. In the nuances we discover our personal style in working with it. For me is the yearly SOL conference a fantastic place for inspiration, learning and meeting wonderful people. See for an impression of last year
The forum has mostly moved to Facebook.
Great to keep in touch!





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