
Sharing and building Solution Focused practice in organisations

How are these two connected? How important is it to move physically when building solutions and learning? How far can we get by just using our mind?

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I guess that for those people who are more Kinesethetic in how they take in and acccess their information this would be extremely useful as stimulating that part of the brain. I am no expert, no scientific evidence just a kinesthetically based hunch. I know it works for me!
Dear Lina
thanks for the initiative and for this nice question.
Here a small experience: shortly i had the chance to offer 2x a workshop (the "same" ws) on the specific topic "change of perspective" within a bigger SF training arrangement.
The first time we (as part of the WS) discussed our understanding of "change of perspective" well... it was a hard work, I tell you.
the 2nd time i just used 3 small games as a beginning. I told, that I'm not sure but I guess, there could be some good connections between these game-experiences and "change of perspective" - let's explore. so we did and there was an easy and satifying round of discoveries and a strong experience we could relate to during the whole ws.
these were the games:
Triangle-Game, you can see (one version of it) here:

(Thanks Monika Clausen for this small video-hint)
the other 2 were the swarm-games we did in Stockholm (dog, wolf and hors...) - i would be happy to hear the original version again, i use my re-created version.

So at least in my construction of the workshopreality it was a BIG useful effect to start with movement and lead through it to the topic.





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