
Sharing and building Solution Focused practice in organisations

In the spirit of using what is there!!
I am interested in sharing/exploring any experience out there in the development/running of corporate induction for large organisations. I have just picked up a project to revamp the corporate induction for a large UK based car Manufacturer who are just into the process of recruiting 800 staff including graduates.

The timescales are tight, there are good things to work on in house, people who want to be involved and a will to get this moving, so there is much to go on.

What I am keen to do is a bit of benchmarking/exploring best practice to put into the pot of possibilities. If you have experience in this area and are willing to share Let me know.

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Thank you Carole. This is a great idea and so easy to forget when focussing on what they need to know from us. Will definately build this in.






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