
Sharing and building Solution Focused practice in organisations

Hi folks,

Thank you for dropping in. Few days ago we've started a discussion on creating "the SF Body Of Knowledge" - for more details please visit SOL "Niki" (Wikipedia @ Ning) at the main forum.

If you are interested in this topic and/or you would like to participate on creating the SF BOK (no matter on which platform), please take a brief survey that will help us to resolve main questions. Thank you.

To take survey please click here.

[Please note you will be redirected to external page to take a survey. After completing you will be redirected back to the SOL World at Ning main page.]

Results can be viewed under the following link.

[I recommend to edit results using new window or new bookmark, as the result page doesn't support redirecting.]

PS: Similarity of the name to the Project Management Body of Knowledge IS intentional. :))
PPS: Special thanks to Coert Visser for the link to Survey Monkey.

Views: 272

Replies to This Discussion

Hi Kamila,
Can it be, that there is a technical problem with that survey? I answered the survey - with different browsers - and as a result not my given answers are shown but the number of "skipped answers" is increased....
So, it seems, that the results maybe are not reliable...
The best way maybe would be to set up a new survey.

I am sorry to inform you about this fact... I understand, that such technical problems are frustrating you....

Cheers, Hans-Peter
Hello, Hans-Peter,

Thank you for the information, however I am not pleased to hear it. Could you please be more specific with the problems? The survey includes "skip logic" what means certain answers have to redirect people to the end of survey - if you choose to be reader only or if you choose only to share your materials, you have to be appreciated for your contribution, but other questions are not meaningful in these cases. These questions are marked as skipped in the results then.
Survey is designed to be runned only once from one IP, anyway, it was tested only at MSIE 7. I'll try to check it under Firfox and Opera as well. If you have another browser, I'll appreciate your help - I can send you link to the administration (where is possible to test the survey and not influence its results). We can fix the problem, if it will remain, and then run new survey of course.
Please, check if the above mentioned problem was not caused due to the skip logic, and let me know the result of your investigation, please. Could you please send me an e-mail at, please?
At the moment I can erease your answers, if you have completed the survey more then once, so you can fill in again (there were two new answers for yesterday, am I right they were yours?) Thank you.
Hello again, Hans-Peter,
I've tested the survey under Firefox and Opera as well, and it behaves standard way, what means it follows the above mentioned skip logic. I haven't mentioned any problem. Could you please visit the "results" link again to check if your answers are meeting the skip logic criteria? Thank you.
I am sorry, there was three same answers from yesterday (not only two). If they were yours, I can easily erase it to enable you to complete the survey once more time.
Cheers, Kamila
Now I looked at again.... and now there are no "skipped questions" but the results are shown in the bars as I entered them...
So, it seems, that the results in the first time after their entry they are shown as "skipped" and after a while (in the minimum a quarter of an hour) they are shown as results (= longer bars).

That's a new behaviour of a survey tool for me.... interesting...

So, please: Eliminate my replicated responses!

Hello Hans-Peter,
Thank you for your comment. I was really happy that problem was matter of technical equipment, not of the reliability of the survey.
I apologize for the inconvience, for me was your experience a bit strange as well... In fact, I had no previous experience with the "survey monkey", so I was not able to tell you that the results are not shown in real time.
Anyway, I've found your request to test the tool not only at MSIE environment to be very useful (when creating websites I am used to check the availability at least at most common browsers used at PCs, but this time I forgot to do it...).
As a newbee in the field of reaserch I really appreciate your supervision over the methodologic aspects of the survey. I've deleted replicated imputs, so at the moment results have to be reliable and valid as well. :)
Best wishes,





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