
Sharing and building Solution Focused practice in organisations

After the meeting of the Karlstad Group in Vienna in March, I took the small step I volunteered by offering a very first attempt at a draft SF manifesto. Comments welcome.


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Hi Jenny,

that's a great starting point to let emerge a "SF Manifesto"!

To use (and to do more of) that how the "Agile Manfisto" emerged in 2001 (see I propose to work on it in an interactive workshop setting! One of the ,most important messages of "agility" is, that you have to sustain communiation as much as possible - and in a "real face to face way" and not via virtual channels....

How would it be to install such a setting somewhere? On a nice place which is near to most of all co-creators? ((Seaford for example would be a verry nice place... but I am shure, that there are many other nice places... also in Switzerland, of course... ))

What do you think about this?
Thank you - see below.
Dear jenny,
What a nice first draft!. Here I give you some ideas, maybe to improve your draft:
1.Assumes:Behind every problem is a wish.
2. Value: (useful/positive) differences
3.Practice: Focussed on what works already.
I'm curiuos for other remarks.
Bert Garssen.
Thank you Hans-Peter and Bert

I have waited a couple of weeks before replying - partly because I am a bit nervous of this whole enterprise! No-one else has commented and so I am going to leave this for the time being - having included Bert's ideas into the fdraft. Perhaps the Manifesto idea might get some air time in Vilnius.

Best wishes,






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