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The Wolf Credo - an inspiration not only for agile SW development?

Few weeks ago I was asked by an IT company to create a proposal of workshop focused on dealing with clients for managers of SW projects. As introductionary meeting run in very nice atmosphere and it was quite easy to establish common platform with the prospect, I became seriously interested in cooperation, despite the fact IT companies are not my typical clients.

By the way my prospective client has mentioned the company follows the agile principles. Being inspired by discussion we had in Cologne with Hans-Peter Korn, I started to search for more resources related to agile methodology... and, I've found a lot of interesting thoughts that could be easily used in many different contexts.

Those of you who are familiar with my (sometimes quite non-conventional) way of thinking (and who know my passion for narrative metaphors and mythology in general) will not be surprised by following principles I decided to share:

The Wolf Credo:

Respect the elders
Teach the young
Cooperate with the pack
Play when you can
Hunt when you must
Rest in between
Share you affections
Voice your feelings
Leave your mark.

Del Getz and Associates []

What a wisdom in these few rows! I wish you to get inspired by these rough but straight rules, no matter the business you are working at... Do you like it or not? Do you agree or disagree? Could it be used in your work somehow? Any ideas and associations are warmly welcommed.

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Comment by Kamila Novakova on August 24, 2008 at 22:06
Thanks for your comments, Paolo and Hans-Peter.
Comment by Hans-Peter Korn on August 20, 2008 at 9:06
Good point!
And: "Agility" is a term which is widely used in dog sports also: ==> Dog Agiliy Page
And dogs and wolfs have many things in common.... especially that "credo"...
which fits perfect to agility in project management...

So: If you have troubles with a project tell it your dog and wait what he is doing then.... and simple do the same: For example yawn and rest...

Cheers, Hans-Peter
Comment by Paolo Terni on August 20, 2008 at 5:46
Simple yet profoundly inspiring.
Thanks for sharing.




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