
Sharing and building Solution Focused practice in organisations


SOL Summer Retreat 2010

Here participants for the retreat can join and share wishes and hopes for the retreat in August. Do you want to contribute with a topic or a "reflection theme"? Do you have good ideas for outdoor activities?

Location: Fontana Passugg, Switzerland
Members: 27
Latest Activity: Jan 30, 2012

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Comment by Hennie Beelen on September 2, 2010 at 10:31
Deer Jesper,
Thank you so much for this great action to receive this brief overview.
Comment by Jesper H Christiansen on September 2, 2010 at 8:57
Dear all
I've tried to put together the program of the retreat in order to see what actually happened. This is also a way for others to contact the people mentioned next to the topics in case they should be curious and wanting to know more.

Welcome to the retreat. Björn Johansson & Liselotte Baeijaert

Opening ceremony and Open Space. Kati Hankovszky and Anton Stellamans
Experiences of using SF approaches in working with unemployed people. Janine Waldmann & Paul Z Jackson
Livecoaching with Eniko Tegyi & Kati Hankovszky coached by Petra Mueller-Demary
The miracle question with groups. Geroge Agafitei
Microanalysis of a coaching session between Bert Garssen & Felix Hirschburger. Eva Persson & Björn Johansson
Reflection from the first day and ideas onward (at dinner). Eva Persson & Jesper Christiansen

Opening and Open Space. The Six
Video with Insoo: I'm glad to be alive. Eva Persson & Björn Johansson
SF and practicing presence and awareness in our daily lives. Julia Karlenberg & Liselotte Baeijaert
SF and marshal Art (Aikido). Carin Mussmann
Concept of Resistance, walk and talk. Jesper Christiansen & Gesa Niggemann
Supervision. Eva Persson & Björn Johansson
Massage. Gesa Niggemann & Eva Persson

Opening & Open Space. The Six
SF Applications beyond theory. Alan Kay
Microanalysis software intro: ELAN. Anton Stellamans
Coaching walk with camp fire. Monica Strickler
SF & Flow (Mihaly Csiksezentmihaly). Eniko Tegyi
Improvisation workshop for the SOL Cabaret. Paul Z Jackson
SF Video: I want to want to. Steve de Shazer. Eva Persson
Mind your language: Remaining at the surface. Paul Z Jackson & Anton Stellamans
Microanalysis. Kati Hankovszky
Sol Summer Cabaret with Paul Z & The Retreaters!

Opening and Open Space. The Six
Invitation to prepare the closing ceremony. Liselotte Baeijaert
On her 2 day walking retreat. Ruth Stoffel
On the go with your team in one day (working with stuck-teams). Bert Garssen
Walk. Sue Lickorish
SF-Questions in Recruitment-Interviews. John Sproson
SF propagation in social media. Alan Kay & Paul Z Jackson
SF Techniques in procurement of work. Bruce Woodings
Resilience. Liselotte Baeijaert & Anton Stellamans
Sharing "unreasonable options" for your coaching business. Urs Liemacher Koechlin
Coaching research: what makes solutions possible. Felix Hirschburger
How to use our medias. Alan Kay, Paul Z Jackson, Jesper Christiansen
Hot springs and a jacuzzi reflecting team. Nicoline Wackerberg
Kubb scandinavian game. Gesa Niggemann
SF in Group-Supervision. Carin Mussmann
Introduction to his East Congo Project “Salama”. Anton Stellamans

Closing ceremony
Certificates and postcards. The Six
Success: Dreaming and planning of a retreat. The Six interviewed by Alan Kay
Thanks to Remo
Song: “Thank you for the retreat” by The Retreaters
Saying goodbye (Anand Bliss, ‘Mul Muntra’)
Comment by Katalin Hankovszky on August 27, 2010 at 11:40
Beautiful picturial and other reflections, and great developments! Thank you all, so much!
I’m curious about some small or big examples how ideas you took home turned out to be useful in your everyday life/work. Some examples, please?
Comment by Anton Stellamans on August 27, 2010 at 10:15
Comment by Julia Kalenberg on August 23, 2010 at 11:12
When I came home on Saturday I felt that sleeping outside under the starry sky would be a beautiful way to end a WONDER-ful week at Fontana Passugg.
It was a beautiful sky with thousands of stars above me, covering me like a blanket. I woke up several time during the night and felt deeply grateful for this "space in time" which the group of six made possible and everybody contributed in his/her way. In so many different ways. I really experienced what a treasure diversity is. Different talents, thoughts, emotions building upon each other with the help of "yes, and...".

Looking at the stars I revisited many moments of excellence of last week. And I will remember them when looking at the stars and reconnecting to Fontana Passugg (e.g. to the "Sitzplatz")
THANKS to you all and especially to the group of six for this wonderful idea which really made a difference.
Hugs, Julia
Comment by Sue Lickorish on August 20, 2010 at 17:47
oops, seems the hyperlink didn't work... try again...again
Comment by Sue Lickorish on August 20, 2010 at 17:46
Here's one of my favourite songs of the moment which for me captures much of the essence of the summer retreat. You should be able to preview and buy it here and I've attached the lyrics too.

Lucinda Drayton Sit Right Here.pdf
Comment by Sue Lickorish on August 20, 2010 at 17:37
Here's the capture of offers for contributions from the first morning.
SOL Retreat Contributions And Desires.pdf
Comment by Katalin Hankovszky on August 15, 2010 at 21:22
Wow, we tested some walking paths in the mountins next to the venue: Started with a rainbow, sunshine and finished in diligent rain. What a forest! what a nature! mmmmh!
Comment by Sussan Öster on August 15, 2010 at 10:01
thank you very much Manuela! We plan to bring maps from the internet and by more detailed ones when we get to Schweiz. It's a bit tricky to choose when we can't see them. Looking forward to seeing you and all other interesting people soon!

Members (27)





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