Sharing and building Solution Focused practice in organisations
Dear SOLutionists,
as most of you are aware of, France is not exactly the Promised Land when it comes to SF. We are about to change this. First contacts have been made, and our next step is an information day of practical work where we will brainstorm, get to know each other better and do, guess what, practical work.
If you happen to pass through Paris on december 12, you are very welcome to join us! Although the final objective is to get SF going in France and consequently in French, everyone in the group speaks English, so if you feel your French is not absolutely perfect, don't be shy, come along! Please send me an email at if interested.
A bientôt, Rima
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Merci Rima.
Merveilleux, fantastique, formidable - ou Wow comme on dit en francais aussi, je crois!
Hi everyone,
here a belated (tx for the nudge, Jenny :) recap of our first SF day in Paris. We were 8, five SF practitioners (Kirsten Dierolf, Nathalie Le Rendu, Sophie Martre, Rima Nouri, Renilde Vervoort), and 3 gentlemen, one who is big into Appreciative Inquiry and plans to train SF next year, one who was generally interested and a third one, who is a" self trained/self proclaimed SF coach".
There had been no requirements to attend this meeting and no planned agenda. We started to get to know each other, did resource gossip, talked about future SF events in France, our respective practices, case studies etc.
A (too) large part was taken up by conversations about what SF is or is not, and how other approaches do it differently. As the recent discussions on the SOL list show, this is a vast topic! We were so lucky to have Kirsten come over from Frankfurt to not only do a masterful SF coaching demonstration for us, but she also drew on her vast knowledge to talk about the beginnings of SF and - in theory-enamoured France absolutely vital - has all the theoretical knowledge needed. AND she did it all in French!
All in all we felt this was a useful day, learning a lot both in terms what we want and what we do not want :))
In conclusion, the next meeting is about being planned (Jan or Feb 2013), but it will only be open to _trained_ SF practitioners, so that we can really learn more about SF, do much more practical work, get to know each other better and see what we can do in France and in French. As soon as the date will be fixed, I'll send out an email: any SF practitioner who feels the urge to visit Paris is very welcome!
A final word about French: Kirsten did a brilliant job, and as we all speak English, there was no problem to switch languages, when it was useful. So I would very much like to invite all those French speaking practitioners who think they can't possibly come and speak some SF French (you know who you are!) to forget any language qualms and please come. Nous sommes des gens sympas, vous savez!
Hi Rima
Comment ça c'est passé? We would love to know!
Félicitations. J'éspère que ca c'est bien passé.
Hi Catherine et Yoram,
thanks for your comments and feedback! I'll keep you updated about the progress of the French speaking solution-nés (love this one!).
Bonjour Rima,
I would not be in Paris on December 12, but you can count me among French solutionnistes / solutionés / solution-nés / ... etc ! . I intend to develop the use of the SF approach in my practice as a coach and trainer.
Catherine (à Lyon)
Dear Rima,
Thank you for your invitation.
I would like to add two remarks:
1. IMHO, we are beyond: "We are about to change this" - Change is already happening: First small steps were made, therefore the french and francophone community continues its growth voyage.
2. On December 12th, I have meetings already scheduled, yet I put the Paris meeting in my schedule - both for "just-in-case" and for assuring, at least, to be there in mind.
3. (bonus remark): We are all SOLutionists, and in your meeting you might consider yourself as (en français): solutionés (probablement: solutions-nés) :-), comme en Hébreu c'est prononcé (en pluriel): Pitronayim.
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