
Sharing and building Solution Focused practice in organisations

Fluba - the crazy training instrument for dealing with complexity and uncertainity

Dear participants of Bucharest, maybe you just want to start to use immediately this tool we tried out and commented on during the practical plenary on Saturday.

here you can watch Jespers' video on it:

here some infos on it

how to make:
1. put a smaller balloon into a bigger one.
2. press the air with your hand out and put both openings onto a water
3. let the water into the small balloon, till it becomes the size of a
small egg.
4. carefully take both balloons off from the tap.
5. Tie a knot on the small balloon. This is how you transport your
6. Just before using it, blow up the bigger balloon and tie a knot on

I'll never forget my first hectic trial in the bathroom at a big new years party... so maybe produce your first Flubas under calm circumstances - than it's easy to make. ;)

why is it called 'Fluba'?
the name comes from Fluri+baloon, Hans Fluri invented this ? 20-30 years ago

how to play
the passing around itself is surprising and fun.
I usually play also Fluba race (a seldom opportunity to use our competitve side in an SF process!!) or Fluba performance (Tinguely), too. you can find the description here:

Views: 517

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Comment by Christiane Kosub on May 14, 2010 at 17:41
Hi Kati,
I loved the Fluba-session you did in Bucharest, and the playful way of lightness you brought in the room. Thanks very much.
Comment by Eva Persson on May 11, 2010 at 21:39
Hi Kati, I remember when you and Jesper did this activity during the workshop you had at our center. It was great and fun!! Thank you for rememer me again!




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