Sharing and building Solution Focused practice in organisations
The SOL 2004 conference will be hosted in Stockholm by FKC and Solutionwork in collaboration. The SOL steering group and the hosts in Stockholm invites you to join in with SOL 2004. On this pages the outline of SOL 2004 will emerge in the next few month. Information will be presented to the SOL-community continually.
Check out the links below and make a mark in your calendar at the 14-16 of May. Please use the links to the currency converter and discover that Sweden is cheaper than you think. We look forward of seeing you in Stockholm!
The Venue of SOL 2004 is the Opera terrace which is part of the famous Stockholm Opera house. It is located in the most beautiful part of the center of Stockholm. The conference language will be English.
The SOL 2004 event will build on the successes of SOL 2002 and 2003 by keeping the positive and sharing atmosphere, the international line-up, the mixture of plenary and workshop sessions, and the conference dinner.
Participants' comments on the previous SOL conferences include:
"Friendly, warm collegial atmosphere."
"The structure gave space and time for networking."
"The presenters chosen were knowledgeable, enthusiastic and excellent in every sense."
"The organisers had a high level of personal engagement - from warm welcome to lots of humour."
"Very well organised down to the smallest detail."
"Established a very positive start - friendly, relaxed yet energised (great learning environment)."
"The design allowed for personal choice and most of the workshops were of high caliber."
The SOL 2004 Conference programme will emerge on this page during the months approaching the conference.
The conference opens at 10 a.m. on Friday the 14th, and ends at 1.00 p.m. on Sunday the 16th of May.
Thursday 13 May 2004: |
10.00-16.30 | Pre-conference workshop: Introduction to SF in organisations, with Michael Hjerth and Björn Johansson |
20.00 | Pre-conference pub gathering at the pub "Bull and Bear Inn" (also called "Bullen"). address: Birger Jarlsgatan 16, Phone +46 (0)8 611 10 00 |
Friday 14 May: |
09.00-10.00 | Registration & mingling with refreshments (refreshments = fika in Swedish) address: the Opera Terrace, The Opera House, Karl XII:s torg, Phone: +46(0)8-676 58 00 |
10.00-11.05 | Welcome proceedings With the Master of Ceremonies Tim Andrews accompanied by Michael Hjerth, Björn Johansson, and the rest of the Swedish SOL organising team |
11.05-11.35 |
Fruit and air break |
11.35-12.45 | Workshops: Solution Focused Roundtable - A Kitchen Table Conversation for Organizational Change with Alan Kay, Canada |
Creative InterChange - Powerful Human Operating System with Domien Van Gool, Belgium |
Solution-Focused Reflecting Teams in Action With Harry Norman and Michael Hjerth |
An Inspector Calls - How Simple is That? with Paul Z Jackson and Mark McKergow, UK |
How to Make Clients with Hans-Peter Korn, Switzerland |
12.45-14.00 | Lunch |
14.00-15.10 | Workshops Solution Focused Performance Coaching Senior Managers with an Emphasis on Between-Session Tasking with John Henden, UK |
Using Traditional Human Resource Management Tools in a Solution Focused Way with Günter Lueger, Austria |
Get from Organisational Questions into Action! With Eva Persson and Björn Johansson, Sweden |
Pushing the Boundaries: Success Models and Solutions Focus with Miles Shepheard, New Zealand |
Solvent Combinations Klaus Schenck, Germany |
15.10-15.40 |
Refreshments |
15.40-17.00 |
The Case Stories Plenary: Learning From Success. In the panel Harry Norman, Michael Hjerth and Alan Kay, with hostess Eva Persson. |
18.45-23.00 | Archipelago cruise with Conference Dinner The Steamboat MS Gustavsberg ancors at Nybrokajen, Kajplats 8 |
Saturday 15 May | |||||
09.00-09.10 | Morning mingling | ||||
09.10-10.20 | The Theoretical Plenary: Swarm Intelligence In the panel: Jenny Clarke, Kirsten Dierolf, Paul Z Jackson and Mark McKergow, with moderator Michael Hjerth. |
10.20-10.40 | Refreshments | ||||
10.40-12.45 | Open Space | ||||
12.45-14.00 | Lunch with participants own bazaar - book selling | ||||
14.00-14.10 14.10-15.20 |
Welcome back |
The Solutions Focus Team Learning with Yoram Galli, Israel |
How To Listen ”Selectively” and Give Light to the Hidden Stories ”Behind” the Problem! with Gro Johnsrud Langslet, Norway |
An Experiment in Insight-led Transformation with Sue Abbotson & Tricia Lustig, UK |
Toys and Games as Flowers in the Field of Solution-Focused Coaching and Training with Katalin Hankovszky & Daniel Meier |
15.20-15.45 | Refreshments |
15.45-16.55 |
Workshops: |
Improv Anyone? With Amy Carroll and Paul Z Jackson, Switzerland and United Kingdom |
Pre-employment Interview: A Perfect Excuse For Constructive Interviewing with John Briggs and Gale Miller, USA |
A Miracle from the Below: A Hospital Case Study With Stephen M. Langer, USA |
How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Conflict with Anton Stellamans, Belgium |
17.20 | Open SOL steering group meeting at the pub "Bullen", If you like to join the SOL-steering group for the coming year please come to this meeting. | ||||
20.30-24.00 (max) | Drop in Mingling with the famous SOL-cabaret at 21.30 address: Whitlockska, Eriksbergsgatan 8B |
Sunday 16 May | |||||
09.00-9.20 | Morning mingling |
09.20-10.30 |
Workshops: |
"Solution-Focused What?" - Marketing the SF Approach With Todd Montgomery, Canada |
360 degree solutions: a solution focused workout With Evan George, United Kingdom |
Resourcefulsearch with Felix Hirschburger, Switzerland |
WATER THE FLOWERS NOT THE WEEDS -Solution Focused Communication - the Three Styles of Cooperation |
10.30-11.00 | Refreshments |
11.00-12.10 | The Practical Plenary: End with new Beginnings in Mind Facilitated by Peter Röhrig, Peter Szabó, Alan Kay and Björn Johansson |
12.10-13.00 | Hello to SOL 2005 in Interlaken, May 20-22 | ||||
13.00 | THE END |
Monday 17th - Tuesday 18th of May |
Post-conference workshop: THE SOLUTION-FOCUSED USE OF LANGUAGE A walk through the magical world of words A think-tank in the company of Gale Miller, Mark McKergow, and Michael Hjerth |
The programme includes inspiring, exciting, and practical plenary sessions and workshops. There will be lots of opportunities for meeting new people and networking. The presenters all have extensive experience of Solution- Focused work with both commercial and public organisations.
The Case Stories Plenary: Learning From Success
"We learn from our mistakes", is what we all have been told since we were kids. If we look more carefully on solution-focused work: the opposite seems more fitting: it seems that we learn as much, or more, by our successes. Plenary Hostess Eva Persson will, together with Harry Norman, Alan Kay, Michael Hjerth, and the audience, examine some real stories of successful solution-focused organizational work. We will look at what we can learn from these stories, and how to do it. Bring you own successes, we will bring ours, and let's inspire each other.
The Theoretical Plenary: Swarm Intelligence
In the panel: Jenny Clarke, Kirsted Dierolf, Paul Z Jackson and Mark McKergow, with moderator Michael Hjerth.
This theoretical (expanding perspectives) plenary is based on the ideas of complex systems, “swarm intelligence” and emergence. We will involve the audience in a roller coaster of mind expanding ideas. Swarm intelligence turn inside out many of our received notions of intelligence, agency, control, hierarchy, and power. These ideas let us look at what an organisation is, how it works, and how we work with it, in new ways. As a consequence, this might shed fresh light upon Solution-Focused organisational work.
The Practical Plenary: End with new Beginnings in Mind
Facilitated by Peter Röhrig, Peter Szabó and Alan Kay
This practical (usefulness & interaction) plenary will be dedicated to the beginnings that is hidden in every ending. The facilitators will be our guides in gathering examples of this kind of beginnings, found at the conference or elsewhere, and share them in practical work with others.
We are glad to present a number of cutting edge workshops with practitioners from all over Europe and North America. Many of the presenters present for the first time at a SOL conference, others you may recognize and remember from earlier years. This list includes all the 25 workshops that we plan to include in the programme.
1. Solution Track Diplomacy - or how I learned to stop worrying and love conflict
Presenter: Anton Stellamans, Belgium
Abstract: The aim is to introduce Solution Track Diplomacy, a non-theory of peace building, through case stories which illustrate how the solutions focus is used in dealing with and reconciling after violent conflict. I hope this session will bring a stimulating dialogue with the SOL members who initiated INSOLA a couple of years ago.
Biography: Anton Stellamans works for the Centre of Peace Research (University of Leuven) and the ngo Field Diplomacy Initiative and was trained in SFBT(Solution-Focused Brief Therapy) at the Korzybski Institute, Belgium. He prepares a PhD at the University of Tilburg on Solution Track Diplomacy.
2. The Pre-employment Interview: A Perfect Excuse For Constructive Interviewing
Presenters: John R. Briggs, Gale Miller
Abstract: The pre-employment interview has been found to be a woeful means of successfully screening candidates for employment. It seems that interviewers have a propensity for “tuning in” and attending to the positive aspects of the candidate while “tuning out” the negatives. Through this process, it is believed that the interviewer(s) confirm their positively constructed images of candidates-the images constructed while reviewing application materials. Training interviewers to “listen” to/for specific nuances of language and employ Solution Focused methods of interviewing can greatly enhance the usefulness of pre-employment interviews-making them a part of the construction process rather than a biased confirmation of what interviewers assume to be true about interviewees.
Biographies: John Briggs is the Director of Solutions Behavioral Health Group. As a psychologist and therapist, he has studied, modified, and practiced Solution Focused Therapy for 10 years. In recent years, he has worked to apply the methods and principles of Solutions Focused Therapy in other contextual settings, particularly in organizational settings.
Gale Miller is Professor of Sociology, Marquette University, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA and a partner in the Solutions Behavioral Group, also located in Milwaukee. He has been involved with aspects of Solution-Focused Therapy since 1984, although his more recent activities have focused on using Solution-Focused and related ideas in conflict resolution, coaching and administration.
3. SF Outplacement / Career Transition Coaching
Presenters: Kirsten Dierolf M.A. (possibly Barbara Steiner and Petra Nickels -- but not yet 100% sure), Germany
Abstract: This workshop introduces an integrated solution focused approach for outplacement and career transition coaching and training. As outplacement coach, you are always walking a fine line between coaching and consulting. We would like to address this distinction, how it is helpful and share some of what has worked.
Biography: Kirsten Dierolf M.A.; coach and trainer, spent most of 2003 as coach in an outplacement project for one of the major German banks, mis- and displacer of ideas, and mom of 3 beautiful children
4. Using traditional Human Resource Management Tools in a Solution Focused Way
Presenter: Günter Lueger, Vienna, Austria,
Abstract: Classical instruments and tools like tests, screenings, questionnaires etc. are very often used to analyse deficits and in many cases a lot of resistance arises.
In this workshop a traditional computer-based personal development tool called "Fit-Screening" will be demonstrated and practical techniques of the use of this tool in a solution focused way will be presented. Possibilities of a linkage of deficit-oriented tools and solution focused principles will be discussed.
Biography: Guenter Lueger is Professor at the PEF-University of Management, Academic director of the program "Master in Coaching and Solution Management", Consultant in the field of change management and HRM, Development of Instruments like FMT or Solution Focused Rating
5. The Solution Focused Roundtable (Kitchen Table) Conversation for Organizational Change.
Presenter: Alan Kay, Canada,
Abstract:The SF kitchen table conversation models the dynamics of a family and friends conversation...we share laughs, trade news, talk about the future, make plans. The moderated discussion focuses around a central topic amplifying subtle insights. Participants enjoy a rich, learning experience. Fast, effective, decision making and ripples happen leading to different kinds of SF actions.
Biography: Ten years management consulting in corporate strategic and operational planning, and change management issues. Formerly a senior advertising industry executive. Focuses on accelerating strategic and human change using existing client resources. Clients are some of North America's largest organisations.
6. The Solutions Focus Team Learning (SFTL)
Presenter: Yoram Galli, Israel
Abstract: The Learning Team has its own unique place between organizational and individual learning.
The workshop will demonstrate the Team Learning (TL) concept - the solution focused way. We will work with:
7. Solution Focused Performance Coaching for Senior Managers with an Emphasis on Between Session Tasking
Presenters: John Henden, UK
Abstract: A pilot performance coaching project for 3 senior managers in a nationwide manufacturing organisation. MD interviewed managers after each of their 4 sessions to elicit progress and helpfulness of the coaching. Detailed between session tasking an important aspect of the coaching for managers' personal benefit and accelerated company success.
Biography: John is a Director of John Henden Consultancy Ltd.; a Solution Focused Coaching & Training organisation. Prior to that, he had a 22 year career in the UK National Health Service. In addition to being a Trainer and Coach, John also works as a Facilitator and Consultant. He enjoys the variety of working across a range of industries and organisations. John is a member of Bristol Solutions Group and also a member of SOL's International Steering Committee.
8. An Inspector Calls - How SIMPLE is that?
Presented by Paul Z Jackson and Mark McKergow, UK,,
When a chemical factory in the north of England is threatened with closure, the managers call in their consultants. Can they save the workforce and keep the plant safe? What approach will work?
Biography: Paul Z Jackson and Mark McKergow. The authors of The Solutions Focus present their acclaimed dramatised case study and invite the audience to offer useful advice. We discover how it all works out and how the intervention fits the SIMPLE principles - Solutions not Problems, Inbetween, Make Use of What's There, Possibilities, Language and Every Case Is Different.
9. An Experiment in Insight-led Transformation
presenter: Sue Abbotson & Tricia Lustig, UK
Abstract: We hope to explore a process that brings together the operating principles of appreciative inquiry with the deep insights that are made possible by constellations, so enabling fresh perceptions and a deeper discovery phase to create greater value and more sustainable change.
Biography: Sue Abbotson is an organisational constellator and systemic coach at the nowherefoundation. Sue also has several years experience leading on organisational transformation at the Bath Consultancy Group
Tricia Lustig is a Senior Organisational Learning Advisor at BP. A former international developer at LASA Development UK Ltd and as part of the Nowhere community, she specialises in Appreciative Inquiry.
10. Pushing the Boundaries: Success Models and Solutions Focus
Presenter: Miles Shepheard, New Zealand
Abstract: Many seemingly intractable problem situations become susceptible to movement when reframed.
Using 'Success Models/Idealised Design' to reframe situations, and solution focussed tools to generate movement has brought about changes in many such situations. This is as true for multi party inter-organisational, inter-agency, inter-sectoral strategies as it is for internal organisational problems.
I would like to share cases and experiences and with others explore the boundaries of utilising different solution focussed methods in a variety of situations.
Biography: Miles Shepheard was previously a teacher and lecturer, and has been a consultant since 1985. He is a partner in Synergia, a New Zealand based consultancy specialising in working with clients in collaborative ways to develop and implement strategy and organisational change. During the last few years he has been working on collaborative multiple party initiatives: sector-wide strategy development and deployment, interagency strategy development and implementation for the New Zealand Government, long term strategic partnerships.
11. "Creative InterChange" = Powerful Human Operating System
Presenter: Domien Van Gool, Belgium
Abstract: creative InterChange enhances solution focused integrating at all systemic interfaces in individuals, groups and organisations. It enables constructive interaction with diversity that leads through appreciative understanding and integration to "committed" implementation. It integrates a commitment to the best one now knows with a commitment to everything that improves the best one now knows.
Biography: Domien Van Gool is the originator and founder of the LEADER ACADEMY, a unique and intense international leadership development process for executive teams, translating leadership concepts into pragmatic real time application. Conceptualisor of the book "The Unlearning Organisation; In Search of Creative InterChange"
12. Resourcefulsearch
Presenter: Felix Hirschburger, Switzerland
Abstract: Getting valuable information from key stakeholders is an important process. Doing research and evaluation is the method of getting this knowledge. But why should we stop there? By using the SF approach, especially scaling questions, you get more than detailed information. People enjoy the research experience and perceive it as helpful and supportive. Through the presentation of case studies and active participation, you will get practical insights into the productive nature of Resourcefulsearch. (The case studies are taken from my work with Peter Szabó, Solutionsurfers / Weiterbildungsforum and Keith Stead, The Rickter Company)
Biography: Felix Hirschenburger is currently preparing his master's thesis in business about a new way of research/learning. One year ago Peter Szabó introduced him to the SF world and gave him the opportunity to work with different projects in Switzerland regarding the connection between doing research and supporting learning. Later on, Keith Stead and the Rickter Company invited him to the UK to test and develop this special way of gathering information
13. A mission critical project - Coachulting - the insurance to success
Presenter: Robert Buehler, Switzerland,
Abstract: On a real life case (introduction of an intranet solution in a police organization) the application of Coachulting (Coaching, Consulting & Training) in a mission critical project is shown and will be discussed. Soft and hard facts are equally important.
Biography: Running my own business as a coachultant in various industries to leverage the value of the management consulting work with the solution focused coaching approach.
14. Toys and games as the flowers in the field of Solution-Focused Coaching and Training
Presenter: Katalin Hankovszky & Daniel Meier,
Abstract: We would like to present you with a bunch of little games that we often use in Solution-Focused trainings. Playing is easy, simple,and fun. We think playing is an excellent possibility to transfer the ideas of Solution-Focused work. Welcome to come and try!
Biography: Katalin and Daniel both are Game Players, SF Trainers and Coaches
15. How to listen ”selectively” and give light to the hidden stories ”behind” the problem?
With Gro Johnsrud Langslet, Norway,
Abstract: People in difficulties tell problem saturated stories. As a listener it is easy to get dragged into further exploration of the problem. This workshop underlines the importance of being utterly attentive to the (often) thin stories which CONTRADICTS the problem. It will demonstrate how to make these thin stories thick, rich and meaningful in ways which open up new possibilities for future actions.
Biography: Gro Johnsrud Langslet is a Norwegian psychologist. She has worked as an organisational consultant since 1986. Since 1993 she has applied solution focused principles in her consulting work, helping hundreds of different organisations achieving goals and solving problems. She does a lot of teaching and coaching, both in Norway and Scandinavia. She has written two books on the topic (both in Norwegian).
16. How to make clients
With Hans-Peter Korn, Switzerland
Abstract: Are you a coach or consultant working with for newplacements or outplacements, or with change-processes? If so, you may often confronted with peoples sent to you "to be coached or consulted". What can you do, so they decide to change to clients?
I offer you to share and explore successful ways of doing this by trying it out in simulated situations on a "SolutionStage®". I will also share with you my practical experiences on how to do Solution-Focused newplacements and outplacements.
Biography: Hans-Peter Korn is Dr. phil.; Coach, Consultant, Trainer; Coaching Director of SolutionStage®; Post studies: Systemic Management, SF Coaching, Psychodrama; Owner of KORN AG (; Business-background: different line- and project management functions in power plant industry and in the IT branches of financial and air transport industries
17. WATER THE FLOWERS NOT THE WEEDS -Solution Focused Communication - the Three Styles of Cooperation
With Fletcher Peacock, Canada
Abstract: Each one of us has a unique way of communicating. How then can we find the key that will open the door to better communication and relationships -professional , personal and family ?
Biography: Fletcher Peacock holds a Bachelor of Science (Mathematics & Physics) and a Master’s Degree in Social Work. Since 1989, he has been giving seminars and trainings in Solution focused communication® in many cities across North America. He is a consultant in the areas of business, education, health and government. A talented popularizer, he is known for his freshness, dynamism, enthusiasm and humor. His book, Arrosez Les Fleurs Pas Les Mauvaises Herbes, is a best selling title in Quebec, Canada and has been translated into English (Water The Flowers, Not The Weeds), Spanish and Dutch. It is currently being translated into Chinese. Fletcher Peacock is sometimes referred to as a “professor of happiness”.
18. Get from Organisational Questions into Action!
With Eva Persson and Björn Johansson, Sweden,
Abstract: We will introduce you to an effective and structured way of working with several questions at the same time. It can be anything from getting better meetings, teams or leadership to enhance collaboration and other organisational areas of development. We will take you through the change in focus from problems to solutions and create the concrete steps related to what you want. Feel free to bring your own questions. If you join in two or more from the same workplace it will be helpful, but it is not necessary.
Biography: Eva Persson and Björn Johansson, Solution focused Development,
is part of the Solutionwork team and are well-known as therapists and consultants. After a period of developing methods for SF in group-settings, they have spent the last years concentrating on their work in organisations.
19. Sixteen Public and Private Organizations in Cooperation
With Henry Komulainen, Carina Smeds, Jonas Wells and Anita Karlsson, Sweden
Abstract: The example of networking in the Fagersta region is in many ways unique. The combination of a long and dedicated history of network building with a recent course and counseling in solution-focused methodology, has led to major developments of existing networks in the region. Work, concerning primarily social welfare, has become more efficient as a result of this.
biography: Henry Komulainen is the project leader for a project with the aim to introduce solution focused methods in the Fagersta-region for working with rehabilitation for people on sickness benefits to return to work. Carina Smeds and Jonas Wells use a solution focused group-method at the Social Insurance Office and Anita Karlsson uses a solution focused group-method in her profession as personnel administrator at Norberg District Council.
20. Improv Anyone?
With Amy Carroll and Paul Z Jacksson, Switzerland and United Kingdom
Abstract: This workshop is sure to be energizing, entertaining and - who knows? - maybe even useful! Discover the link between improvisation and SF through specially-selected exercises and games. If you joined us last year, good news, we’ve got more up our sleeves. So come ready to play!
biography: Amy Carroll. Coming from a family of 7 children, where communication and chaos were
often synonymous, Amy got her training in group dynamics at an early age! As an American educated coach and trainer, Amy works internationally with several of those siblings training engineers on customer support and lives in the French part of Switzerland where she enjoys an endless supply of chocolate.
Paul Z Jacksson brings improvisation to individuals, teams and organisations.
21. 360 degree solutions: a solution focused workout
With Evan George, United Kingdom
We wait with excitement for an Abstract and Biography
22. Solution-Focused Reflecting Teams in Action
With Harry Norman and Michael Hjerth
Abstract: SFR Teams are useful with learning, mentoring, organisations, business and
projects. Delegates with no experience are invited as well as experienced
delegates. We will practice the model (and make a mistake or two) and share
questions, knowledge and reflections. Enjoy!
Biography: Harry co-founder of Bristol Solutions Group, developer of Solution Focused Reflecting Teams is a trainer, consultant and coach. He studied philosophy and occupational psychology at university and is still interested in how we enjoy earning and learning individually and together.
Michael is the creator of the PLUS model of solution-focused work and one of swedens most experienced and sought after solution-focused trainers and consultants. Michael is well known for combining simplicity and practicality with innovation and theoretical brilliance. He is part of the FKC-team and the co-founder of Solutionwork.
23. Solvent Combinations
With Klaus Schenck, Germany
Abstract: Adding tools from outside the original “Solution Focus” box may increase the versatility and specificity of solution oriented questions in “finding what works”: Here, participants may choose between combinations with the “Six Thinking Hats”, the “Logical Levels” and / or the “Tetralemma” – to do more of whatever helps…
biography: Klaus Schenck has always been a fan of productive combinations – like: a PhD in biology, a degree in marketing, educations in systemic process consulting and as management trainer; 12+ years in medical industry management, 20+ years self-founded family, and 30+ years of photography.
24. "Solution-Focused What?" - Marketing the SF Approach
With Todd Montgomery, Canada
Abstract: A moderated discussion on how we describe and present the SF approach to prospective clients. Participants share stories from their professional and cultural experience to help define the language that convinces ROI-driven decision makers, share insights on how to use SF to bridge trans-cultural differences, and investigate the practical tools and skills that put your services in the best light
biography: Todd is President of Razor’s Edge Communications, based in Montreal Canada. He has over seven years of experience in strategic marketing and communications consulting, specialized in positioning and integrated online promotion. He is also a university lecturer, writer, and trainer.
25. A Miracle from the Below: A Hospital Case Study
With Stephen M. Langer, USA
Abstract: This case study presents a solution-focused consultation in a hospital setting. Nurses complain their new supervisor is autocratic and unresponsive. They feel powerless to change the situation. Working with just the nurses, an application of the miracle question will be illustrated allowing them to create positive change from below.
biography: Dr. Langer is a clinical psychologist from Olympia, WA, USA and Director of the Northwest Brief Therapy Training Center. He has been using a solution-focused approach since 1985 and trains and consults in the US and internationally.
You are welcome to bring anything you like to our open space session on saturday, and also to take away anything you'd like.
Do you have something to share?
Do you want to do an exercise?
Are you looking for feedback on some ideas?
Do you like to fly like a butterfly from idea to idea?
You do not have to prepare anything to participate in the open space session (though you might choose to). Everything can be created on the spot. If you have already experienced an open space, you know what we are talking about. If not, you have some fun to look forward too.
In the evenings we have plans for fun and lively social events starting with the pre-conference meeting at our favorite pub on Thursday. On Friday evening we will have the traditional conference dinner. This year we will cruise in the beautiful Stockholm Archipelago while having a dinner inspired of Scandinavian kitchen. And on Saturday there will be something small to eat, and drinks at one of our favorite meeting-places.Like last year we shall providing our own entertainment at the SOL cabaret. Please feel free to join in with a sketch, a poem, a song, a recital, some music or whatever else,whether prepared or improvised. It is traditionally a very relaxed occasion, with all contributions much appreciated. Conference lunches will be prepared by Operakällaren, one of Sweden's most famous restaurants.
Check the fees in your currency on this handy currency converter!
Click here to go to the registration form.
The conference fee is 6.200 SEK+VAT (total 7750 SEK)
Please note that the Swedish currency is the Swedish Krona (SEK) and Swedish VAT (Value added tax) accounts for 25 percent of the total conference fee.
Non-profit organisations may claim the Early Bird rate* 4.500 SEK+ VAT (total 5625 SEK) up to May 1st 2004.
* otherwise the early bird fee finished 1 st of April
Pre-conference workshop on 13th of May
An Introduction to Solution-Focused Work in Organisations
The fee is 1.250 SEK plus VAT (Total 1.562 SEK)
Post-conference workshop on 17th and 18th of May
Join the Think-Tank on The Solution-Focused use of Language!
The fee 1.500 SEK plus VAT (total 1.875 SEK)
This information is also summarised on the registration form.
Participant registration and handeling of conference fee payments are taken care of by FKC AB. FKC AB is one of the companies organising the SOL 2004 Conference in Stockholm, Sweden. You register by filling in the registration form. We now also accept payment by VISA, Mastercard and Eurocard.
Click here to go to the registration form.
An Introduction to Solution-Focused Work in Organisations
On Thursday 13th of May 2004:
An exciting day for newcomers and people with beginners’ minds. Your hosts for the day are Michael Hjerth and Björn Johansson.
The workshop is held in English.
The fee is 1.250 SEK+VAT (Total 1.562 SEK)
Please watch this space fore more information regarding the content.Please send e-mail with any questions.
Information to the participants published 1st of May:
Welcome to the pre-conference workshop 13th of May
“An Introduction to Solution-Focused work in Organisations”
We are looking forward to meeting you at the Solution-focused introduction workshop the 13th of May.
Where: At FKC Mellansjö, one of the worlds first Solution-focused schools, located beautifully in the northern parts of Stockholm (Täby).
How: We will pick you up at the entrance to the Opera Terrace at 9.00,
and take you for a 30 minute drive to FKC Mellansjö.
The workshop will start at 10.00 and end at 16.00
Lunch and coffee is included.
This workshop is a wonderful opportunity to build your skills and knowledge of the Solution-focused approach in organizations. You have probably come across the Solution-focus explicitly before, or you may be familiar with one or more aspects perhaps without even knowing it. Whatever your current knowledge is, we’re looking forward to welcome you to the workshop. Independent of the context in which you work, you will get new tools to use in your daily work. You will have a lot of opportunities to work on solutions, and you will be fully prepared for the main conference. Above all, please come along prepared to join in with the learning on the day - it's your participation and enjoyment that counts. If you have any concerns or questions in advance, please e-mail Björn or Michael.e-mail:
Best wishes
Michael and Björn
Monday 17th – Tuesday 18th of May 2004:
A walk through the magical world of words
A think-tank in the company of Gale Miller, Mark McKergow, and Michael Hjerth
Together we will take a magical walk in the world of words. Here, we might encounter things like, Ludwig Wittgensteins language games, social constructionism, discursive psychology, and much more. We will investigate questions like:
How does language shape our reality?
How can language build or prevent change? How is a change of words connected to a change in action?
How do you do things with words?
This is the first international collaborative think-tank on solution-focused language. In this unique event you will be able to share and expand your ideas on language and solution-focus in the company of your hosts Gale Miller, Mark McKergow, and Michael Hjerth. The organisation of this think-tank will be different from many traditional workshops or seminars you have attended. We will try, recursively, to apply solution-focused processes to talk about solution-focused processes. In other words, there will be a lot of interaction between the plenary members, between the plenary and the audience, and within the audience.
The workshop is held in English. Thanks to the hosts of this think-tank we can now offer participation at a very low fee.
The number of participants are limited to 40 so if you are interested in attending please book early!
The fee has been lowered from 2.500 SEK to 1.500 SEK on the 15 of January and you who have register to the think-tank before this date will of course also be charged this low fee.
The Fee is 1.500 SEK + VAT (Total 1.875)
Please send e-mail to with any questions.
Information to the participants published May 2:
Welcome to the post-conference workshop
on the 17-18th of May
We are looking forward to meeting you at the think-tank on Solution-Focused use of language on the 17-18 of May. Your hosts during this event are Gale Miller, Mark McKergow, and Michael Hjerth. We enclose some information about the think-tank with this letter.
Where: At FKC AB, at the city therapy and education centre. The address is Hornsgatan 168.
How: You get there with the subway to the Hornstull station. When you get up to the street level walk to the left until the next block (about 100 metres) and walk through the carport entrance in the building on the left, walk straight through the yard. You will se the FKC sign on the wall beside a door. Inside take the lift to the FKC floor.
We will start at 10.00 and end at 16.00 each day. You are welcome to arrive a bit earlier in the morning to have some coffee with us before we start.
Lunch and coffee are included.
Together we will take a walk through the magical world of words. We will try, recursively, to apply solution-focused processes to talk about solution-focused processes. In other words, there will be a lot of interaction between the hosts, between the hosts and the audience, and within the audience.
Above all, please come along prepared to join in with the thinking and learning on the days - it's your participation and enjoyment that counts. If you have any concerns
or questions in advance, please e-mail Michael.
Best Regards
Your Hosts
Michael Hjerth, Gale Miller and Mark McKergow
The venue for SOL 2004 is the Opera Terrace, which is part of the famous Stockholm Opera House complex. The Opera Terrace offers great conference facilities and panoramic views of the royal palace and the Stockholm waterfront. We are proud to say that the conference lunches will be prepared by Operakällaren, one of Sweden's most famous restaurants. Click to visit the Opera House on the internet at
SOL 2004 will be held in the heart of Stockholm, within strolling distance of the Royal Castle, the Old Town, the Museum of Modern art, the National Museum and the best shops in Stockholm. Just around the corner, boats set out for trips to the Stockholm Archipelago.
Contact the Opera Terrace
Karl XII:s torg
Box 1616
Phone: +46(0)8-676 58 00
Thursday Evening:
Pre Conference gathering from 8 pm at the Pub nicknamed "Bullen", the full name of the pub is "the Bull and Bear In" at the address Birger Jarlsgatan 16
Phone +46 (0)8 611 10 00
Friday Evening:
Conference dinner will be served on the beautiful steamboat
MS Gustavsberg VII while cruising through the Stockholm Archipelago.
Saturday Evening:
Mingling and the SOL- cabaret. We meet in the evening at a nice place and there will be something small to eat, drinks and with some of us conference participants performing. Like last year we shall providing our own entertainment at the SOL cabaret. Please feel free to join in with a sketch, a poem, a song, a recital, some music or whatever else, whether prepared or improvised. It is traditionally a very relaxed occasion, with all contributions much appreciated
Conference lunches at Friday and Saturday will be prepared by Operakällaren, one of Sweden's most famous restaurants.
Sweden may be cheaper than you think! Check the prices in your currency on this handy currency converter!
The SOL 2004 Stockholm conference venue is non-residential. This is a list with Hotels in the vicinity.
All hotels are located within a 10 minutes stroll from the venue, except when something else is defined below.
We recommend that you make your hotel bookings online, it gives you a better price than calling the hotel!
Click on this link to make your hotel reservations. You can choose language in the upper right corner and “book hotel online” at the left. The hotel prices below are approximate
Hotel Riddargatan, Riddargatan 14
Welcome! Hotel Riddargatan is a new and stylish hotel with a centrally perfect location next to the main shopping and entertainment area, yet still it preserves a calm atmosphere.
Single rooms from 1.230 SEK per night
Twin rooms from 1.430 SEK per night
Lady Hamilton Hotel, Storkyrkobrinken 22
Stay at the Lady Hamilton Hotel at Storkyrkobrinken in the Old Town, neighbor to the Royal Palace! This charming hotel, named after the mistress of the famous hero Lord Nelson, is like one big museum ...
Single room from 1.200 SEK per night
Double room from 1.765 SEK per night
Comfort Hotel Stockholm, Kungsbron 1
This hotel is located at about 25 minutes walking distance from the venue.
Comfort Hotel Stockholm is located in the World Trade Center in the center of Stockholm. It is hard to find a more central position. Buses to Stockholm's airports stops around the corner.
Single room from 980 SEK per night
Single room with two guests 1.150 SEK per night (no information about doubles on the web)
Esplanade Hotel, Strandvägen 7 A
Personal friendly familyhotel with 34 rooms. Art Nouveau decorating from 1910. Excellent location on fashionable Strandvägen 7 A.
Single room from 1.195 SEK
Double room from 1.595 SEK
Sheraton Stockholm Hotel & Towers, Tegelbacken 6
classic room with one person from 1.540 SEK per night
classic room with two person from 1.665 SEK per night
Lord Nelson Hotel ,Västerlånggatan 22
Single rooms from 1.000 SEK per night
No double rooms available
Radisson SAS Strand Hotel, Nybrokajen 9
Step into the lounge lobby of the Radisson SAS Strand Hotel and you sense this is the place to meet and stay in Stockholm. The welcoming smiles of attentive staff, tasteful interiors, an inviting atmosphere.
Single rooms 1.400 per night
standard rooms with two guests 1.790 per night
Gamla Stan, Rica City hotels, Lilla Nygatan 25
15 min walk through the breathtakingly beautiful Old Town to get to the venue!
A hotel situated in historical surroundings in the Old Town of Stockholm. Rooms with high comfort and class decorated and furnished in Gustavian style.
Single rooms 1.200 SEK per night
Double rooms from 1.708 SEK per night
Strolling around The old Town and The Royal Palace.
Take the chance to make a stroll in the oldest part of Stockholm. The old town with its narrow passages, historic buildings and the royal palaces is a popular place to the people of Stockholm and to visitors. Here you can explore the history of early Stockholm, go shopping for souvenirs, having a meal at a good restaurant or just gaze in the spring sun while having an ice cream at the steps of the Nobel House.
We are the organising team for SOL 04 in Stockholm, Sweden. Please contact us with questions or reflections.
Michael Hjerth, FKC/Solutionwork, - Coordinator of the conference programme. |
Anders Claesson, FKC, - Budget, economy and venue. |
Kerstin Måhlberg, FKC, - Participant registrations and information to participants |
Ulf Mårberg, FKC, - Conference design and venue. |
Björn Johansson, Solutionwork, - Conference programme. |
Agneta Castenberg, FKC, - Social events. |
Caroline Klingenstierna, Solutionwork, - Project coordinator, web-publications, info-material, and conference design. |
Eva Persson, Solutionwork, - Media and press contacts. |
Addresses and Phone Numbers
FKC AB Mellansjövägen 20 187 70 Täby Sweden Tel: +46(0)8-510 129 78 |
Solution-Focused Development Box 4 660 60 Molkom Sweden Tel: +46(0)553-10904 |
Solutionwork Group |
The Swedish organisers of SOL 2004 bid welcome! |
Last updated by Kathryn Lamb Sep 10, 2009.
Posted by Ayse Adil on April 1, 2021 at 11:43
Posted by Dominik Godat on December 1, 2017 at 3:56
Posted by Zarine Jacob on February 24, 2017 at 14:49
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ContinueCreated by Katalin Hankovszky Dec 30, 2015 at 10:18pm. Last updated by Katalin Hankovszky Dec 30, 2015.
Welcome to the SOLWorld Resources section. This part of the site features information about the SOLWorld network, our past events and materials from our previous website. It will take some time to update all the information, so thanks for your patience.
Information in this part of the site is 'read-only'. If you want to start discussions, please go to the Forum or Groups. …
ContinueCreated by Mark McKergow May 12, 2008 at 4:08pm. Last updated by Mark McKergow Dec 2, 2022.
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