
Sharing and building Solution Focused practice in organisations

Dear friends, 

I'd like to hear your views about this case:  A good friend of mine recently shared her coaching experience at a conference.  She was demonstrating how SF is used in a 'live' coaching situation.  She used the OSKAR model and of course the scaling question and helped the client to explore small steps.  After the session, the comment from two masterful coaches were:  "SF is too process oriented.  You are not coaching from the heart when you are too process oriented.  Small steps won't work."   Yet we know that in coaching, the coach is responsible for the process and the coachee the content. 

Please share your perspectives and experience.

Views: 191

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Very strange statement "small steps won't work" - short of someone being god or a psychic, how would they be able to be that certain about what the future will reveal??
There are a fair number of assumptions here so perhaps inviting more discussion about these would provide a richer conversation and opportunity for debate -

- too process oriented - implies that "good" coaching needs to be somethin else oriented or less quantity of process orientation - what instead? how much process is just right? how do we know that?

- must you be coaching from the heart? What does that look like? what benefits does that bring? What benefits is coaching from the not-heart unlikely to help create?

- what is the connection between "coaching from the heart" and "process-oriented coaching"

Finally from me - I'm ever so cautious about masters of X proclaiming about what Y is - it is a familiar question when I offer training - for example, what do I think about GROW approach to training. And, I exercise the discipline of commenting that what I CAN talk about it solution-focused brief coaching and that if they ant to evaluate GROW they'd be wiser to discuss GROW with someone who stands for the GROW way of coaching. Goes without saying that the questioner has to manage their sense of frustration about needing to pursue the topic - on the thank goodness few occasions when I have failed to follow this self-discipline it has ended in at best a boring, uninformed position-taking conversation and at worst an ugly excahnge of prejudices that people find difficult to let go and move on from.

Not sure if any of this is useful .... would be interested to read more about your and your good friend's sense making of the masterful coaches' comments.

How you doing with solutionsurfers brief coaching training?
In cape Town it is proving a great joy and worthwhile addition to what is on offer here.
Best wishes, Svea
PS - in singapore around 25 Oct 2010 - would be good to see you if you there and not travelling.
it doesn't matter what model is used but a coach must always use the heart and show empathy. this is normally done in the earlier stages of OSKAR. but when we get to the scaling question, it helps us pinpoint the action plans and what needs to happen.

So i totally agree with you simon that we guide the coachee with the questions/process. I don't think SF is too process oriented. and small steps do count!





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