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Hi All, sometimes in intercultural group similar sound-words can create confusion and misunderstanding.
To pretend in english have a really different meaning than Italian, and also a lot of words or phrases.
For example "Accogliere" (IT) is traslated as Accept. But Accogliere is by heart and not by mind. So maybe welcome can be better. In german maybe is "Annehmen" and so on...
A word is one world. How can we help each other to create a intercultural dictionary?

Which are, according to you the most important key words?

Is it important to know which is the world connected with the word of your language?

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Dear Marco,

a world inside a wordit the true and literate expression, of how sophisticated we might make use of our language. Even sharing the same language, the understandings might be slightly different; even more as connotations and personal meanings are attached. On top, there are a lot of gestures as well as facial and body expressions, which are also shaping the spoken word. Coming back to different languages and intercultural issues: from my personal experience, the more I lost the ability to express the spoken word in a deliberate way, the more I chose the alternative way and tried to switch to these other ways to add to my spoken words.

This kind of communication is made possible by the respectful and appreciating attitude both communicators do have for each other. By having this, the importance of knowing the world "behind" or connected with the word looses its importance in this specific, as the meaning is created in the dyade while interacting. And this always inhabits the opportunity to ask -with the respectful and curious sf-attitude - questions, to further clarify the meaning of words.

This is my idea how to master the transition phase until your fantastic idea of creating an intercultural dictionary is done : )

The key words you mentioned that are coming to my mind would be at first hand at the very surface like: good afternoon, good morning and ....- while at this state I am already getting stuck, as some of my chinese friends are more likely to greet me by asking ´have you had breakfast today´, .... so what else?






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