
Sharing and building Solution Focused practice in organisations

 I have been asked to run a  3 hour  workshop for my local community radio station . It wants me to help develop ideas for generating income to run the station.

It is my first session of SF coaching.  I do believe there will be   few staff there.

Am  right in thinking that this would be better done as a team coaching session?

any other ideas would be welcome?

Owen Charnley


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Hi Owen,


I would suggest starting with some agreeing on the platform (with 'what are the benefits to us and all the other stakeholders too') and then looking at ways they have found to raise money before - what works?  Stick with it, lots of 'what else?'. 


Good luck!

Hi Mark.

I do thank you for sharing  your views and ideas with me. I will certainly update you and the community of the outcome of this workshop. 


 I would like to thank Mark McKergow Alan Kay and my colleague Dave Holt for their input into my first SF workshop with a local community radio station. I held the workshop with the radio station today.

The workshop went well and I am looking to do a second session with them in about 6 weeks time to find out how the have progressed.



Hi Owen

Great stuff!  Thanks for getting back to us here.  What went particularly well?  What did you learn?

Cheers, Mark

I am still reflecting on that. once I have completed , i will let you know. there is still some work to be done with them. 


Update: The radio station have asked me to go back and do an evaluation workshop to measure progress. The manager has also requested that I run an Sf Workshop for a Charity, where he has a role as a project manager. My thanks to Mark Mckergow and Aln Kay for their support and tips.





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