
Sharing and building Solution Focused practice in organisations

Hi everyone

I am very happy that the results of the Solution Focused Leadership Survey 2013 were well received at SOL2013. 

If you could not join and are interested, you'll find my presentation of my 6 minute SOLtalk here:

One finding that kept me busy yesterday, was that SF Leaders mentioned 4 different Future Perfects - the one of the organisation, the one of the Leader, a shared one, and individual ones of the employees. 

4 Future Perfects in SF Leadership - with quotes of SF Leaders


Further development: 4 Future Perfects in SF Leadership and the tasks of the Leader


In my eyes all 4 are relevant and can be (or maybe are always) present at the same time. What also strikes me is that SF Leaders of course also decide and that the SF action then might more be to engage people compared to supporting others to create a Future Perfect.

What do you think about that?

Have a nice day!


Views: 590

Replies to This Discussion

Hello Dominik,

Love your persistence and clarity!

Very good approach - you are thinking of the benefit for all.
Your picture makes it very transparent.

Like the four views a lot.

Would add "the customer's future perfect" - as their view and dreams matters equally.
And fulfilling them is a need in business life.

Would nevertheless stick to the 4 future perfects:

The customers
The employees
The leaders and
The joint one.

From my perspective - the organisation's and the joint one are just the same in successful companies.

Thanks for inviting to contribute.
Have a very nice day

Hi dear Monika

Thank you very much for your valuable comment and mentioning the customer.

How did you exactly do that? So far, none of the success stories covered that issue. How did you manage to work out or incorporate the customers future perfect in your Leadership position. What did you do and what were the effects?

Thank you so much for sharing your insights.

Have a very nice day!


Hello Dominik,

Thanks for the question.

Indeed - we asked the key decision makers of our customers the same questions we asked our employees and shareholders. They described very clearly how they see the present - and what their preferred future would look like.

What was the effect?

The first and maybe most important one was - a very tight link - increasing the trust of our customers that we understand how critical their business is - and that we are professionals who care. They liked to be asked.
And took it as a sign of our serious interest in them.

On our side: We better understood our customers needs - their view on our performance today - and how they want our cooperation to develop.

Jointly: we created a form of cooperation and service we would not have thought of and been able to deliver otherwise.

Have a very nice evening

Wow, what a great example, dear Monika, congratulations!! Thank you very much for that! Can I quote you and share this story with others in the future ?

Hello Dominik,
With pleasure...
Have a very nice day
Wow interesting thoughts Dominik and Monika. My view is similar to Monika's in that if done well future perfect for the organisation and joint should be the same. Interesting tensions for the SF leader if there are significant differences between their own future perfect and that of the others. Mark McKergows developing work on host leadership sits well within these tensions in my view. Perhaps the key for the SF leader is to build a future perfect drawing on the 4 elements identified?

Yes, great thought, Nick. Do you have a success story of that - how you managed that the Future Perfect of the organisation and the shared one are close together or that the 4 elements are incorporated?





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