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Julia Kalenberg's Comments

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At 9:40 on April 14, 2015, Ingemar Wikman said…

Hi Julia!

All the same to you and all the best!

Best regards,


At 13:07 on November 22, 2011, Bob Faw said…

Hello Julia,

I hope you are doing splendidly.

Do you know if there will be a SOL Summer Retreat in 2012?



At 13:57 on July 5, 2011, Astrid Deville said…

Dear Julia,

I've been very pleased to get your message. Thank you! For the time being I'm not sure if I'll be able to join the SOL Summer Retreat.

I sincerely regret, I really would like to spend some time with this very specia group. Hopefully we'll meet sooner or later.

Take care,


At 12:13 on May 26, 2011, Bob Faw said…

Hello Julia,

It was a pleasure to connect with you in the Guerrilla Goodness, Mental Training and Charging for Worth workshops. It was also nice to talk informally. You have a real depth and solidity that I like. Zsuzsi also commented on your evident strength.

If work really picks up I may be able to make it to Fontana Passugg (and if there's still room at that time). Otherwise it may be tough to rationalize two European trips in a few months time.



At 6:25 on May 26, 2011, Sussan Öster said…

Dear Julia,

The time with you are still very present for me, thank you. I'll do something about somethings today... and want to tell you more. I'm also more qurious about you and also your business.

If we find it suitable we can probably meet when you are in sweden as I have holiday and may be able to go to Denmark and meet you on the way there. More later maybe Skype. I'll try and persuade myself to use that way of communicating seems nice and clever. A hug and a kiss from Sussan. PS On monday I'll have the extremely great opportunity to learn more SF as I will spend the whole day with Eva, Björn, Urban, Claes and Harry Korman (as supervisor) watching my own films from coaching sessions.

At 20:20 on September 12, 2010, Nicoline Wackerberg said…
Hi Julia , trying to learn all about Sf and the webside....a great way to keep in touch and develiop new thoughts. I still enjoy the " stop it" moment and now and then I just think the same when my son is nagging......Maybe there are moment in real life just to say Stop it what do you think?
At 15:53 on September 8, 2010, Chabwine said…
Hi, Julia,
Very nice to hear from you and many thanks for your kind words! Indeed, we are trying, depite difficulties, to improve a bit things there in DRC. The way is not easy, but when we get such encouraging messages, we cannot only go on with more optimism and hope to achieve what we are dreaming for....
I am very happy to join the SOLWorld and hope also hope to meet all of you personally!!!
Kind regards, Joelle
At 21:11 on May 18, 2010, Petra Mueller-Demary said…
Thanks my dear friend! I would like to talk to you sometime next week when you have time and learn from you more concerning marketing. Monday or Tuesday would be possible for me. Warm regard Petra
At 16:58 on May 17, 2010, Marco Matera said…
Hi Julia
nice to see you here

One Hug
At 7:22 on May 17, 2010, Lorenz Jungi said…
Liebe Julia

Ich habe die Ausstellung in Lenzburg leider noch nicht gesehen, habe sie aber im Mai fest eingeplant! Bin sehr gespannt!

Ich wünsche dir einen erfolgreichen Start in die neue Woche.


At 5:01 on May 17, 2010, Dominik Godat said…
Hallo liebe Julia
Schön, dich hier wieder zu sehen - es war toll, dich in Bukarest kennen zu lernen und ich freue mich schon auf unser nächstes Treffen.

Und vielen Dank für die Komplimente!

Lieber Gruss

At 17:01 on May 16, 2010, Klaus Schenck said…
Welcome, Julia, at the virtual SOL-space - nice to meet you again now here!
At 14:53 on May 16, 2010, Jesper H Christiansen said…
Hi Julia
Nice to hear! Am always curious to hear about others experience and further developing on the ideas.
Have a great workshop
At 10:47 on May 16, 2010, Katalin Hankovszky said…
Hi Dear Julia and welcome on these sites! It was great to meet you in Bucharest again and know you a little better now - I'm sooo impressed by your great skills in contacting and connecting: just to mention 2 of the most fresh impressions :) CU soon! Kati




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