Sharing and building Solution Focused practice in organisations
SOL 2005 International Conference - LIVE AND IN COLOUR
in Interlaken, Switzerland
Sharing and Building Solution Focused Practice in Organisations
Who will be there? SOL 2005 - the 4th international conference - will host 150 practitioners from 20 countries involved in Solution Focused thinking and practice at work, and in organisations. Leaders, managers, HR professionals, consultants, coaches and trainers will come together for this exceptional opportunity to develop skills, to expand thinking, and to share experiences. Among participants you will meet authors like Insoo Kim Berg, Ben Furman, Mark McKergow, and Paul Z. Jackson, Wolfgang Eberling, Louis Cauffman, Kerstin Mahlberg, Carin Mussman, Daniel Meier, and Peter Szabo. Why be there? You will find a rich variety of practical ideas and examples of innovative work and the opportunity to build your network - all LIVE AND IN COLOUR. New applications of the Solutions Focused approach are always being developed - probably right before your eyes here! What will happen? The SOL experience is characterised by an informal and creative atmosphere, and high quality sessions like:
Conference details: The main conference starts at 9.30 am on Friday May 20th and ends at 12.30 pm on Sunday May 22nd 2005. The official conference language is English. A few workshops will be held in German. The conference venue, Hotel Beau Rivage in
Interlaken, is booked exclusively for conference participants during the entire event. |
Pre-Conference |
Main Conference |
Post-Conference |
When |
18.5. |
19.05. |
20.05. |
21.05. |
22.05 |
23.05 |
24.05 |
What |
"Reteaming" and "Twin Star" |
Solution in Organisation Linkup |
"Coaching for Solutions" |
With |
Ben Furman (SF) |
Different SF professionals |
Insoo Kim Berg (USA) |
Where |
Hotel Beau Rivage, Interlaken (Switzerland) |
Costs ( more information ) |
CHF 850.- / Euros 560.- |
Including accommodation (in single rooms) and full meal package |
CHF 850.- / Euros 560.- |
Language |
English with German translation |
English* |
English with German translation |
The SOL 2005 event will build on the successes of SOL 2002, 2003 and 2004 by keeping the positive and sharing atmosphere, the international line-up, the mixture of plenary and workshop sessions, and the conference dinner.
Participants' comments on the previous SOL conferences include:
"Friendly, warm collegial atmosphere."
"The structure gave space and time for networking."
"The presenters chosen were knowledgeable, enthusiastic and excellent in every sense."
"The organisers had a high level of personal engagement - from warm welcome to lots of humour."
"Very well organised down to the smallest detail."
"Established a very positive start - friendly, relaxed yet energised (great learning environment)."
"The design allowed for personal choice and most of the workshops were of high caliber."
To be informed of further details, send in your email address via the box at the bottom of this page, and we'll send you information as they become available.
SolutionSurfers - The Swiss organisers of SOL 2005 - are looking forward to seeing you LIVE AND IN COLOUR in Interlaken! We don't want to miss you!
With Peter Röhrig (Germany) and Mark McKergow (UK)
Solutions Focus is usually used as a tool for change. But how can it be used in the corporate training room as a part of learning processes?
Peter Röhrig and Mark McKergow will show how SF ideas can help in the search for competence - both conscious and unconscious - and share some practical ways in which finding competence (as opposed to incompetence) is the best way to begin learning! The session will feature practical exercises to help everybody prepare to make the most of their learning at SOL 2005.
(Friday 10:00-11:00)
With Ben Furman (Finland), Anton Stellamans (Belgium), Kirsten Dierolf (Germany), Daniel Meier (Switzerland), Barry Windbolt (UK)
How can we understand and use solution focus as a method for conflict reSolution?
In this plenary, you will witness the first results of the international "think tank" of speakers / facilitators mentioned above. Share the practical and theoretical knowledge of the speakers and take part in lively exercises that will make you think on the cutting edge of solution focused conflict management. Take away practical tools that will be able to use right away.
(Saturday 09:00-11:00)
With Kati Hankovszky (Switzerland) and Alan Kay (Canada)
This plenary will help you to capture and transfer the learnings of the three days into your everyday life. We'll pack our rucksack for the time following the conference and think about how the experiences can positively impact the brand "ME".Workshops
Friday 11:30-12.45:
with Kerstin Måhlberg, Agneta Castenberg, Ulf Mårdberg and Anders Claesson, Sweden
This workshop focuses on how we developed and organized our leadership in a solution-focused way at FKC Mellansjoe, a company with about 25 employees. One of our key themes has been "Leading from behind." We hope that the participants will get some concrete and specific ideas about the great benefits that lie within the concept of solution-focused leadership by sharing our experiences. The workshop will contain exercises and dialogues with the participants.
Agneta Castenberg is one of the founders and part of the management group at FKC. Since 1987, Agneta has been working developing and spreading the SF model. She spends her time working with leadership, doing therapy, consultancy, and training in the SF model.
Kerstin Mahlberg is a teacher, special educationalist with a head teacher's degree. She works as a consultant and does a lot of training in leadership-development combining with her work at FKC Mellansjoe School. Her book "Solution-Focused Education" was translated into English 2004.
Anders Claesson is one of the founders and Managing Director of FKC AB. Former president of EBTA. Trained family therapist, and has been working with training, coaching etc. He is interested in the wide management development of SFT.
Ulf Mardberg is a therapist, trainer and consultant. He is part of the FKC management group with a special interest and responsibility for the company's treatment section.
with John Henden, UK
Abstract: How can a company decimated by mass redundancy pick itself up and carry on? When there are so many financial, interpersonal and emotional problems, how can solution talk find a way in? Is the solution focused approach merely a "sticking plaster" strategy or is it long lasting? John Henden uses a team remotivation process to show one example of the power of SF in organisations.
He demonstrates the application of the more familiar SF tools & techniques, i.e. highlighting strengths and resources, small steps and scaling; and then shows how more novel ones such as 'leap-frogging' and 'time-quake' can be useful.
Biography: John is a director of John Henden Consultancy LTD.; A solution focused training & coaching organisation. He enjoys the variety in working across a range of industries and organisations, providing various training and consultancy services. John is a member of Bristol Solution Group and also a member of SOL's International Steering Committee.
with Barbara Möller and Peter Röhrig, Germany
Abstract: We are going to work live with a group of people who want to find a better personal energy balance. So, come on everyone who is tired and burnt out - we will power up your body and soul. Within 75 minutes you will feel 10 years younger.
Barbara Möller: Born 1957, non-medical practitioner, trained in Traditional Chinese Medicine, kinesiology and SF consulting, private practice in Troisdorf (Germany). I love swimming, good cooking and playing saxophone.
Dr. Peter Röhrig: Born 1948, SF consultant, trainer and coach in Cologne / Bonn (Germany). Formal education as economist and social scientist. Leadership experience in business and family. Passion for SF training. I love singing and watching emotional movies.
with Jenny Clarke, UK
Abstract: This will tell the story of how one of the UK's largest banks was introduced to the SF approach via a project to improve their performance enhancement systems. Participants will hear about the project and experience some of the training exercises used.
Biography: Following a long career in the energy industry, Jenny is now an independent SF coach and consultant, working with large organisations adapting to change. She was a key member of the organising committee for the first two SOL international conferences.
with Andrea Graf and Susan Zecha, Austria
Abstract: In many organisations the conventional Appraisal Interview shares the fate of a Sleeping Beauty awaken the potential of this management tool we have advanced it very consistently in a Solution-Focused way and have implemented it in various organisations. We will present the specific Solution-Focused developments regarding the questionnaire, the agreed performance objectives, the use of scales and furthermore a training design to qualify the users in SF communication.
Andrea Graf works as a management consultant, trainer, facilitator, and coach. Her work focuses on the further development of conventional management tools such as the Appraisal Interview and 360 Degrees Feedback. She is a specialist for large group interventions (Open Space, Future Search, RTSC, Whole Scale Interventions).
Susan Zecha works as a SF coach, trainer, and management consultant. She has vast experience in the fields pharmaceutical industries and textile manufacturing. She has been deepening her understanding of the Solution-Focused Approach and its application to all aspects of her work/life since 2002.
Friday 14:30-16.30:
with Michael Goran, Canada
Abstract: An introduction to the applications for Solution Focused conversations. This lively and engaging workshop will help you integrate 'The Dreaded Roleplay' in your toolkit by providing Guidelines for constructing Successful Roleplay experiences, including: Roleplay Design Tips, Feedback design tips, how to use SF to quickly outline goals for participants, the profoundly positive effects of SF used in feedback and debriefing.
Biography: Chief Creative Coach and SOL Steering committee member Michael Goran has over 20 years experience as an improviser. Combining improvisation and SF techniques, Mikes help organizations become 'Future Flexible' in areas of creative problem solving, thinking on their feet and leadership and fellowship. His unique hybrid background allows for an entertaining presentation style that seamlessly blends theory and practice. He has taught improvisation for corporations, organizations including The Second City Training Centre in Toronto. Mike currently instructs at Sheridan Institute of Technology & Advanced Learning.
with Paul Z Jackson, Janine Waldman and Shaun Lincoln, UK
Abstract: Meet OSKAR - we present and you get to experience the solutions focus coaching model. And learn The Solutions Focus partnered with CEL to help more than 100 leaders and managers in further education to use the approach to revitalise their colleges. Research findings, stories and activities.
Consultant and training designer, Paul Z Jackson is co-author of The Solutions Focus - the SIMPLE way to positive change. The Solutions Focus devised and developed the OSKAR model.
Executive coach and trainer of coaches, Janine Waldman co-designed and delivered the Leaders as Coaches programme and coaches several of the managers involved.
Director of coaching and mentoring at Lancaster University Centre of Excellence in Leadership, Shaun Lincoln marketed, co-designed and delivered the Leaders as Coaches programme.
with Andreas Bürki and Felix Hirschburger, Switzerland
Abstract: Der Führungsdialog ist ein lösungsorientiertes Gespräch zwischen Vorgesetzten und Mitarbeitenden zur Optimierung von Führungsprozessen. Gemeinsam mit Herrn Rainer Deutschmann, unserem Live-Klienten in seiner Rolle als Leiter IT Services (330 MA) / GL-Mitglied eines bedeutenden Bankdienstleisters, erleben Sie den Führungsdialog live and in colour. Das Erfolgsrezept dieser Methode (in seinem Bereich konnte sie wirkungsvoll und nachhaltig eingeführt werden) erfahren Sie aber v.a. auch durch eigenes Experimentieren. Die abschliessende lösungsorientierte Reflexion erleichtert den Transfer zu Ihrem ganz konkreten Arbeitsalltag.
(The Solution Focused Leadership Dialogue is a conversation between principal and staff to enhance the leadership process. Join Mr Rainer Deutschmann, our live-client in his role as head of IT-Services / member of the executive committee of a major service provider for banks, to experience the leadership dialogue live and in colour. You will learn the approach's recipe for success (it was effectively implemented into his division) through practical exercises and a solution focused reflection connects it to your daily work.)
Andreas holds a bachelor degree in Business Administration and a post graduation in Industrial Training. His focus is on organizational development including leadership trainings and coaching of teams or individuals in the professional context.
Felix holds a masters degree in Business Administration and is involved in several SF projects. His focus is mainly on doing research in a solution focused way - therefore he founded Resourcfulsearch.
with Dr. Markus Gappmaier, Switzerland
Abstract: Solution/Action Mapping(TM), building on modular visualization, leads from joint goal definition via an evaluation of benefits and resources to an action plan. SAM enhances efficiency and effectiveness as well as quality of cooperative evaluation and planning and leads to a strong acceptance of the meeting results.
Biography: Markus Gappmaier has researched, taught, trained, coached, consulted, and practiced principles and methods of systemic, solution-oriented personal and organizational change since the late 1980-ies. His change methods have spread internationally; e.g., he certified 380 experts worldwide in holistic business process management.
with Aurelia Reinhart and Armin Sieber, Switzerland
Abstract: Tools that help us to encourage and reinforce the SF attitude in a fascinating yet demanding school environment, in our team and in the cooperation with parents and authorities.
Biography: Aurelia Reinhart and Armin Sieber are teachers at the Integrierte Tagesschule Winterthur, a small private non-profit school (grades 7 to 9) in Winterthur, Switzerland. Besides the SF, self-efficacy, competency focussed learning we put an extra weight on arts education.
with Alan Kay, Canada, working with a Marketing Team from Switzerland
Abstract: People interacting within organizations can get stuck if someone is adamant about an issue. How do you make progress and address everyone's needs? How do we pre-empt complications? 'GETTING UNSTUCK' and 'PRE-EMPTING PROBLEMS' uses SF tools to find things in common, think beyond the next action plan, make progress and speed up the process.
Biography: Ten years management consulting in corporate strategic and operational planning, brand strategy and change management issues. Formerly, senior executive in marketing communications industry. Works with some of Canada's largest organizations including the five major banks, Bell Canada, Bayer, FedEx and not-for-profit organizations.
Saturday 11:30-12:45
with Lina Skantze, Sweden
Abstract: What's so miraculous about the miracle question? I'm looking forward to welcoming you to a workshop, where we together will explore the role of the imaginative in Solution-Focused change. I will present a number of questions springing from my research, where recent theories of organizational change and imagination in learning and development illuminate the empirical data.
You may have asked the miracle question many times, or just red about it and marvelled over what effects it can have. Now there is an opportunity to reflect, to share your knowledge and to get inspired by others. What can be more developing? The great advantage of investigating the role of the imaginative and mental images in change is that their use may be better understood, and thereby made use of, when designing and undertaking organizational change processes. I hope you will join us in room Interlaken, and please share this information with your friends!
Biography: Former concert promoter and nightclub owner, consultant and seed financer. VP of HR and Marketing in a fiber optic startup until 2003. Achieved an international MBA at the Stockholm University School of Business in 2004, now doing a 3.5 year multi-cultural sociology program.
with Robert Bühler, Switzerland
Abstract: As a coachultant (combining coaching, consulting, and training in the world of management consulting) very often interviews are needed to prepare the ground for the next step in the coachulting work. This can be required to get the strategic guide lines while taking into account the view of many different relevant stakeholders. Sometimes it can be needed to get a quick overview of a current situation in a strategic project. Real life cases of conducted interviews as a coachultant and a generic approach for solution focused questionnaires are the content of this exciting workshop.
Biography: Running my own business as a Coachultant (Coaching, Consulting & Training) in various industries to leverage the value of the management consulting work with the solution focused coaching approach.
with Günter Lueger, Austria
Abstract: The use of hard facts in management like sales figures, turnover rates ... is very widespread in management. In this workshop, it will be demonstrated how the use and the presentation of hard facts make change in many cases more difficult. A solution-focused procedure of presenting and analysing hard facts will be presented.
Biography: Günter Lueger is Professor at the PEF-University of Management, Academic director of the program "Master in Coaching and Solution Management", Consultant in the field of change management and HRM, Development of Instruments like FMT (Fit-Management-Tools and Solution Focused Rating.
with Dr. Carin Mussmann, Schweiz
Abstract: Die Vorbereitung und Begleitung von Mitarbeitergesprächen ist eine zentrale Aufgabe im Führungs- oder Teamcoaching. Am Beispiel einer Life-Beratung mit einer Führungskraft (ca. 20 Mitarbeitende unterschiedlicher Berufsbereiche) werden Vorgehensweisen, Tools wie auch Grenzen der lösungsorientierten Gesprächsführung demonstriert. Zentral sind dabei die eingesetzten Instrumente, die sich auf unterschiedliche Gesprächssituationen mit Mitarbeitenden übertragen lassen. Ausgang der Beratung waren negative Rückmeldungen des Teams bezüglich des Arbeitsklimas und der Führung wie auch hohe Rückstände in der Bearbeitung. Wir nehmen im Workshop eine Standortbestimmung nach einer halbjährigen Arbeit vor und entwickeln einen Ausblick auf anstehende Themen in der Personalentwicklung.
Biography: Leitung eines Jugendzentrums, Lehre, Wissenschaft und Forschung an der ETH Zürich, Kursangebote, Dozentin in Führung und Beratung, Team- und Fürhrungskräftecoaching, systemisch-lösungsfokussierter Ansatz. Autorin: Lösungsorientiertes Führen und Beraten (2003). Zürich: KVZ
with Bert Garssen , Netherlands
Abstract: Stephen Covey wrote "The 7 habits of highly effective people".
Louis Cauffman wrote "Solution focussed management & coaching, simple works best"
In my coaching and training, I use both concepts together because in my opinion and experience they fit very well together and give more to the trainees and coachees. I will show and practice the value of both approaches together.
Biography: I'm 57 years young and since 1998 active in the field of solution focussed coaching and training. Educated by Louis Cauffman in the therapeutic and the management/coaching style (both mastercourses). Owner of my own practice for 20 years, with 7 colleagues.
Saturday 14:30-16:00
with Barry Winbolt, UK
Abstract: Workplace conflict is time-consuming, costly and can be permanently damaging. Attempts to resolve it by focusing on problems generally makes things worse. It produces heated emotions, defensiveness and the colourful language of insults and accusations. Disputes all start out small, but there is no limit to where they can end up and the harm they can cause. Disagreements between employees can sometimes seem to escalate all by themselves to a point where they cause real trouble. The costs can run in hundreds of lost man-hours and thousands of euros, not to mention harm to morale and motivation. Even the 'smaller' disputes tie up managers and resources; it is said that 80% of an HR department's time is spent on just 20% of employees.
Solution Focused mediation is a structured and respectful approach that provides benefits that go beyond the dispute; it can influence communications more widely, take the heat of discussions and move the disputants towards shared goals. This experiential session will provide delegates with the practical tools to set up and conduct SF mediation sessions using a four-step approach.
Biography: Barry Winbolt is Head of Clinical Practice, Training and Consultancy at PPC Worldwide, based in Oxford, UK and Director of the Institute for Social relations. For more than 20 years he has advised people in many cultures on how to improve their working environments, and provided training in conflict management, communication skills, solution-focused mediation, enhancing performance and improving working relationships. He is author of two books, a business consultant and a leading trainer in the field of workplace relationships. Over 80,000 professionals have attended his workshops and seminars in Europe.
THE SUBTLE KNIFE: The Solutions Focus, Philip Pullman and parallel worlds
with Mark McKergow and Jenny Clarke, UK
Abstract: "The world of the happy man is different from that of the unhappy man." (Ludwig Wittgenstein)
In the award-winning trilogy His Dark Materials, Philip Pullman introduces a number of parallel worlds and the Subtle Knife as the means of moving between them. But these worlds are not far-flung and distant - they are all here, right here, interweaving and yet invisibly separated. In this workshop, we will examine this idea of multiple worlds and explore how language is used as a 'subtle knife' in Solutions Focus - in affective terms to move from the world of the unhappy to the world of the happy. Practical and thought-provoking. We will illustrate this idea with video from a live coaching session.
Biography: Mark McKergow and Jenny Clarke are part of The Solutions Focus team, pioneering the uses of SF ideas and applications in organisations around the world. In the last year they have presented in Europe, America, Australia and SE Asia, and are behind SolutionsBooks, publishers of business-related SF writing. Mark is co-author (with Paul Z Jackson) of The Solutions Focus: The SIMPLE Way to Positive Change, now available in Chinese!
with Peter Ackroyd and Sara Marsden, UK
Abstract: The health and safety (h&s) world is very strongly problem-focussed, emphasising incident analysis: finding out what went wrong, how an organisation lost control and so deciding what to correct. This workshop will invite participants to help experiment with solutions focussed approaches to determine how they might be better used and promoted in improving h&s management.
Peter Ackroyd - In over 20 years working with people in the risk and safety management world, Peter progressed from technical expert to "facilitator of solutions", both as coach and consultant. He was introduced to solutions focussed thinking when working with Mark McKergow.
Sara Marsden - In over 12 years working as consultant, a government h&s inspector, as well as with trade union safety activists, Sara has used and experienced a broad range of approaches to facilitating improvements in risk management performance.
Ressourcenorientiertes, "minimalinvasives" Coaching in der Praxis (in German)
Fee for the SOL 2005 Conference
Unlike the previous conferences, the Interlaken conference will be "all inclusive". The fee includes 2 nights bed and breakfast accommodation (Friday and Saturday) in a single room at the 5 star hotel and refreshments, lunch and dinner and evening activities on Friday and Saturday. (Extra beverage paid individually)
The discount for sharing a room is CHF 50.- / Euros 30.- per person. Extra nights (bed & breakfast) cost CHF 130.- / Euros 90.- for a single room and CHF 105.- / Euros 75.- per person for a double room. These special rates only apply for the nights 17-23 May. If you want to come earlier or stay longer a single room (bed & breakfast) is CHF 170.- / Euros 115.- (CHF 145.- / Euros 100.- per person for a double room).
Check the fees in your currency on this handy currency converter!
Fee for the Pre- and Post-Conference SOL 2005
Last updated by Kathryn Lamb Sep 10, 2009.
Posted by Ayse Adil on April 1, 2021 at 11:43
Posted by Dominik Godat on December 1, 2017 at 3:56
Posted by Zarine Jacob on February 24, 2017 at 14:49
Posted by Jim Nanireko on December 6, 2016 at 15:04 — 2 Comments
Posted by Zarine Jacob on June 25, 2016 at 16:40
You want to learn more about "Solution Focus"?
You prefer a "step by step" introduction instead to start with reading some voluminous books?
You would appreciate to have a complete "helicopter view" on SF after the first step…
Created by Hans-Peter Korn Dec 25, 2009 at 10:25am. Last updated by Mark McKergow Nov 3, 2014.
If you’ve just arrived at (the SOLWorld ning group), you may be looking at all the features and wondering where to start. This note might be helpful…
ContinueCreated by Mark McKergow Jun 3, 2008 at 4:55pm. Last updated by Jesper H Christiansen Aug 22, 2017.
SOLworld Open Space instructions as it was used at the 2011 conference, by Mark McKergow
ContinueCreated by Katalin Hankovszky Dec 30, 2015 at 10:18pm. Last updated by Katalin Hankovszky Dec 30, 2015.
Welcome to the SOLWorld Resources section. This part of the site features information about the SOLWorld network, our past events and materials from our previous website. It will take some time to update all the information, so thanks for your patience.
Information in this part of the site is 'read-only'. If you want to start discussions, please go to the Forum or Groups. …
ContinueCreated by Mark McKergow May 12, 2008 at 4:08pm. Last updated by Mark McKergow Dec 2, 2022.
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