Sharing and building Solution Focused practice in organisations
Time: May 17, 2012 to May 21, 2012
Location: Hydra Greece
Website or Map:…
Event Type: sol, summer, retreat
Organized By: Olympia Mitsopoulou, Rita Klemmayer, Dominik Godat, Christina Kapeni, (Ilias Moschos), Regina Reinhardt
Latest Activity: May 15, 2012
Relax and share with Socrates „All I know is that I know nothing.“
Thanks to the fantastic work of the organizers, last year's Summer Retreat was truly outstanding! If something is working, do more of it... and so we appreciate the trust been given to again setting up a wonderful summer retreat with you co-creating a brand new week of experiences in a brand new location called Hydra.
Hydra - a picturesque island in the Greek saronic sea located next to Athens - is hosting the upcoming SOL Summer Retreat in May. The most beautiful car free island offers classic Greek nature to hike, sea to sail and outstanding hospitality and the home island of lots of artist who get inspired just like we need to get inspired for our work.
Hydra is an ideal place of retreat given there are no watches but only sun guidance, donkeys being the stars of the roads, and nature inviting for endless walks. Outstanding hospitality, simple lifestyle combined with some unforeseen adventure, endless space and Greek spirit.
You are a solution focused practitioner - junior or senior or wanting to become one - and ready for a summer retreat?
“Retreating” means being away from our usual environment and taking the time and space to become immersed in what is important to us at that very moment. As SF practitioners we would like to indulge in different things during our retreat... we imagine some moments of study, some time for professional exchange and practice, but also time for connection, time to be curious about the others, time for personal reflections and professional development. The range of activities will vary from uplifting group activities over buddy coaching sessions to moments of silence or outdoor games.
Self organising will happen naturally when we share what is keeping us (all participants) busy, what we most long and need to do in order to relax or revive our mind and body that day. As you can see, the retreat will be highly practical. We will all benefit from the experiences of skilled participants and be able to bring in our questions and discoveries.
You feel like taking a break, reflecting and enjoying open space learning, experiencing Greek hospitality as well as spontaneous, adventurous creative culture, a one day outdoor experience (sailing, hiking...) and meeting like minded people?
You'll then definitely love the SOL Summer Retreat 2012 on Hydra!
Practical Details
Maximum 35 participants, in shared rooms.
Early Bird Fee: EUR 550.- (for the first 10 registered participants)
Normal Fee: EUR 600.-
Both fees include six nights' accommodation (May 16 - 22), all meals and breaks, Gala Dinner, programme costs, local taxes and tips.
Daily Rates for visitors: EUR 130.- with accommodation / EUR 90.- without accommodation
Easy Registration: Send an email to with "I attend the SOL Summer Retreat 2012 Hydra"
Registration Deadline: January 31, 2012
Warm regards from the 2012 Summer Retreat Team
Olympia Mitsopoulou, Rita Klemmayer, Dominik Godat, Christina Kapeni, (Ilias Moschos), Regina Reinhardt
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Wishing you all a truly wonderful summer retreat in Hydra. Looking forward to hearing all about it. Love and hugs, Sue xx
Hello dear summer retreaters
I wish you a wonderful week. Enjoy, relax, share and let wonderful things happen. I will truly miss you. A big hug for you all, Julia
Wow, we just had a great conference call about the SOL Summer Retreat on Hydra - There are 2 Early Birds to go!
To register and catch those Early Birds send an email to
Can't wait to see you there!
Hi Sue, a Happy New Year to you!
Thanks for your question. We set a deadline to check at that point if we have enough participants to let it take place. If it's not booked out by then, you can of course join in later. If you can't decide by then, it'd still be good if you could send an email to that states that you are thinking about coming but need more time to decide.
Isn't that great that Summer Retreat goes on?
I wish you all the best and hope to see you on Hydra!
Just a question, does the deadline mean that you will be closing registrations after 31 January? I may not know before then if I can make it! It's great to see the Summer Retreat is becoming a tradition!
Registration for the SOL Summer Retreat 2012 Hydra is now open!
@ Xenia: would be great to have you on board given it to take place in front of your door :-)
@Mark: yes, it's Thursday until Monday so people can attend with a minimum of days off given ascention day to be on Thursday May 17
@Petra: thank you for your heart warming words
The link for the event brings you to an empty page - try this one:
Sounds a very interesting subject and venue - all my hopes are drawn to attending...and i happen to believe there is a lot of solution aura in this island too!xenia
Kalimera Mark
Thank you for your feedback and your question. The dates are from Thursday, May 17, to Monday, May 21, with individual arrival on Wednesday, May 16. Thursday, May 17 is Ascension Day with our hope that many of you are planning to make a bridge day on Friday.
Wouldn't that be great - a bridge day on a warm and sunny island?
Warm Regards and hope to see you there
Dominik (on behalf of the organizing team)
Looks excellent! Are the dates really Thursday thru Monday?
Posted by Ayse Adil on April 1, 2021 at 11:43
Posted by Dominik Godat on December 1, 2017 at 3:56
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